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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IDebugContextProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IDebugContextProvider

Interface common to all objects that provide a debug context. A context provider is registered with a debug context service associated with a specific window.

A context provider can provide context information for a specific workbench part. There can only be one context provider registered per part with a context service. When there is more than one context provider per window, the context provider associated with the most recently active part provides the context for that window.

A context provider does not have to be associated with a part. In this case the provider specifies null for its part, and provides context information for the window. There can only be one context provider without an associated part registered per context service (i.e. per window). A context provider that provides context without an associated part is only active (i.e. used to provide context information) when there are no other context providers with associated parts registered with that service.

Clients may implement this interface.

See Also:
IDebugContextManager, IDebugContextService, IDebugContextListener

Method Summary
 void addDebugContextListener ( IDebugContextListener listener)
          Registers the given listener for debug context events.
  ISelection getActiveContext ()
          Returns the currently active context, possibly empty or null.
  IWorkbenchPart getPart ()
          Returns the part associated with this context provider or null if none.
 void removeDebugContextListener ( IDebugContextListener listener)
          Unregisters the given listener for debug context events.

Method Detail


IWorkbenchPart getPart()
Returns the part associated with this context provider or null if none.

part associated with this context provider or null


void addDebugContextListener(
IDebugContextListener listener)
Registers the given listener for debug context events.

listener - event listener


void removeDebugContextListener(
IDebugContextListener listener)
Unregisters the given listener for debug context events.

listener - event listener


ISelection getActiveContext()
Returns the currently active context, possibly empty or null.

active context, possibly empty or null.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire