Class RegistryStrategy
public class RegistryStrategy
- extends
This is the basic registry strategy. It describes how the registry does logging,
message translation, extra start/stop processing, event scheduling, caching,
and debugging.
In this strategy:
- Logging is done onto
System.out ;
- The translation routine assumes that keys are prefixed with
- Caching is enabled and doesn't use state or time stamp validation;
- Standard Java class loading is used to create executable extensions.
This class can be used without OSGi running.
This class can be overridden and/or instantiated by clients.
Note: This class/interface is part of an interim API that is still under
development and expected to change significantly before reaching stability.
It is being made available at this early stage to solicit feedback from pioneering
adopters on the understanding that any code that uses this API will almost certainly
be broken (repeatedly) as the API evolves.
- org.eclipse.equinox.registry 3.2
Constructor Summary
File[] storageDirs,
boolean[] cacheReadOnly)
Constructor for this default registry strategy. |
Methods inherited from class java.lang.
public RegistryStrategy(
File[] storageDirs,
boolean[] cacheReadOnly)
- Constructor for this default registry strategy.
The strategy sequentially checks the array of storage directories to
discover the location of the registry cache formed by previous invocations of the extension
registry. Once found, the location is used to store registry cache. If this value
is null then caching of the registry content is disabled.
The cache read-only array is an array the same length as the storage directory array.
It contains boolean values indicating whether or not each storage directory is read-only.
If the value at an index is true then the location at the corresponding index
in the storage directories array is read-only; if false then the cache location
is read-write. The array can be null if the storageDirs parameter
is null .
storageDirs - array of file system directories, or null
cacheReadOnly - array of read only attributes, or null
public final int getLocationsLength()
- Returns the number of possible cache locations for this registry.
- number of possible cache locations for this registry
public final
File getStorage(int index)
- Returns the possible registry cache location identified by the index.
index - index of the possible registry location
- potential registry cache location
public final boolean isCacheReadOnly(int index)
- Returns the read-only status of the registry cache location.
index - the index of the possible registry location
true if the location is read only and
false if the location is read/write
public void log(
IStatus status)
- Override this method to provide customized logging functionality
to the registry. The method adds a log entry based on the supplied status.
This method writes a message to System.out
in the following format:
[Error|Warning|Log]: Main error message
[Error|Warning|Log]: Child error message 1
[Error|Warning|Log]: Child error message N
status - the status to log
String translate(
String key,
ResourceBundle resources)
- Translates key using the supplied resource bundle. The resource bundle is
optional and might be
null .
The default translation routine assumes that keys are prefixed with '%'. If
no resource bundle is present, the key itself (without leading '%') is returned.
There is no decoding for the leading '%%'.
key - message key to be translated -
resources - resource bundle, or null
- the translated string, must not be
public void onStart(
IExtensionRegistry registry)
Deprecated. use
onStart(IExtensionRegistry, boolean) .
- Override this method to provide additional processing performed
when the registry is created and started. Overrides should call
super.onStart() at the beginning of the processing.
NOTE: Avoid placing duplicate functionality in
this method and
onStart(IExtensionRegistry, boolean) as
both methods will be called on the registry startup.
registry - the extension registry being started
public void onStart(
IExtensionRegistry registry,
boolean loadedFromCache)
- Override this method to provide additional processing performed
when the registry is created and started. Overrides should call
super.onStart() at the beginning of the processing.
registry - the extension registry being started -
loadedFromCache - true is registry contents was loaded from
cache when the registry was created -
- 3.4
public void onStop(
IExtensionRegistry registry)
- Override this method to provide additional processing to be performed
just before the registry is stopped. Overrides should call
super.onStop() at the end of the processing.
registry - the extension registry being stopped
Object createExecutableExtension(
RegistryContributor contributor,
String className,
String overridenContributorName)
- Creates an executable extension. Override this method to supply an alternative processing
for the creation of executable extensions.
This method receives the contributor of the executable extension and, possibly,
an optional contributor name if specified by the executable extension. The overridden
contributor name might be null .
In this implementation registry attempts to instantiate the class specified via
the class name (must not be null ) using standard Java reflection mechanism.
This method assumes that such class has a default constructor with no arguments.
contributor - the contributor of this executable extension -
className - the name of the class to be instantiated -
overridenContributorName - the contributor to be used, or null if not specified
- the object created, or
- if there was a problem creating the executable extension -
See Also:
IConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(String) ,
public void scheduleChangeEvent(
Object[] listeners,
Map deltas,
Object registry)
- Override this method to customize scheduling of an extension registry event. Note that this method
must make the following call to actually process the event:
RegistryStrategy.processChangeEvent(listeners, deltas, registry);
In the default implementation, the method registry events are executed in a queue
on a separate thread (i.e. asynchronously, sequentially).
listeners - the list of active listeners (thread safe); may not be null
deltas - the registry deltas (thread safe); may not be null
registry - the extension registry (NOT thread safe); may not be null
public static final
IStatus processChangeEvent(
Object[] listeners,
Map deltas,
Object registry)
- This method performs actual processing of the registry change event. It should
only be used by overrides of the RegistryStrategy.scheduleChangeEvent. It will
null if an unexpected registry type was encountered.
listeners - the list of active listeners; may not be null
deltas - the extension registry deltas; may not be null
registry - the extension registry; may not be null
- status of the operation or
public boolean debug()
- Override this method to specify debug requirements to the registry. In the default
implementation this method returns
false indicating that debug functionality
is turned off.
Note that in a general case the extension registry plug-in doesn't depend on OSGI and
therefore cannot use Eclipse .options files to discover debug options.
true if debug logging and validation should be performed and
false otherwise
public boolean debugRegistryEvents()
- Override this method to specify debug requirements for the registry event processing.
In the default implementation this method returns
false indicating that
debug of the registry events is turned off.
Note that in a general case the extension registry plug-in doesn't depend on OSGI and
therefore cannot use Eclipse .options files to discover debug options.
true if debug logging and validation of the registry events
should be performed and false otherwise
public boolean cacheUse()
- Specifies if the extension registry should use cache to store registry data between
The default implementation enables caching returning true .
true if the cache should be used and false otherwise
public boolean cacheLazyLoading()
- Specifies if lazy cache loading is used.
The default implementation specifies that lazy cache loading is going to be used
and therefore returns true .
true if lazy cache loading is used and false otherwise
public long getContainerTimestamp()
- This method is called as a part of the registry cache validation. The cache is valid
on the registry startup if the pair {container time stamp, contributors time stamp}
supplied by the registry strategy is the same as the {container time stamp, contributors time stamp}
stored in the registry cache. The goal of the validation is to be able to catch modifications
made to the original data contributed into the registry and not reflected in the registry cache.
The method produces a number that corresponds to the current state of the data stored
by the container. Increment the stamp if the data stored in the container has been updated
so that the data cached by the registry is no longer valid. For instance, in Eclipse addition
or removal of a bundle results in the number returned by this method being incremented. As a result,
if a bundle that contributed plugin.xml into the extension registry was modified, the state doesn't
match the state stored in the registry cache. In this case the cache content becomes invalid and
the registry needs to be re-created from the original data.
Generally, treat this number as a hash code for the data stored in the registry.
It stays the same as long as the registry content is not changing. It becomes a different
number as the registry content gets modified.
Return 0 to indicate that state verification is not required.
- number indicating state of the application data
public long getContributionsTimestamp()
- This method is called as a part of the registry cache validation. The method calculates
a number describing the time when the originating contributions (i.e., plugin.xml files
in case of the Eclipse registry) were last modified.
The value returned by the method is compared with the timestamp tracked by the registry.
If contributions changed since they have been added to the registry (i.e., plugin.xml
file was modified since the last run), the value of the
will change and no longer will be the same as the value tracked by the registry. In this case
the cache is considered to be invalid and the registry is going to be re-populated form scratch.
(The word "timestamp" is used very loosely here. In this context, "timestamp" is more likely
to be a hash value aggregating a number of actual timestamps from the contributions.)
This method may return 0 to indicate that no time stamp verification is required.
- a value corresponding to the last mofification time of contributions contained
in the registry
SAXParserFactory getXMLParser()
- Returns the parser used by the registry to parse descriptions of extension points and extensions.
This method must not return
null .
- this strategy's parser
See Also:
IExtensionRegistry.addContribution(java.io.InputStream, IContributor, boolean, String, ResourceBundle, Object)
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.