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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IMarker

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IMarker
extends IAdaptable

Markers are a general mechanism for associating notes and meta-data with resources.

Markers themselves are handles in the same way as IResources are handles. Instances of IMarker do not hold the attributes themselves but rather uniquely refer to the attribute container. As such, their state may change underneath the handle with no warning to the holder of the handle.

The Resources plug-in provides a general framework for defining and manipulating markers and provides several standard marker types.

Each marker has:

  • a type string, specifying its type (e.g. "org.eclipse.core.resources.taskmarker"),
  • an identifier which is unique (relative to a particular resource)
Specific types of markers may carry additional information.

The resources plug-in defines five standard types:

  • org.eclipse.core.resources.marker
  • org.eclipse.core.resources.taskmarker
  • org.eclipse.core.resources.problemmarker
  • org.eclipse.core.resources.bookmark
  • org.eclipse.core.resources.textmarker
The plug-in also provides an extension point ( org.eclipse.core.resources.markers) into which other plug-ins can install marker type declaration extensions.

Marker types are declared within a multiple inheritance type system. New markers are defined in the plugin.xml file of the declaring plug-in. A valid declaration contains elements as defined by the extension point DTD:

  • type - the unique name of the marker type
  • super - the list of marker types of which this marker is to be considered a sub-type
  • attributes - the list of standard attributes which may be present on this type of marker
  • persistent - whether markers of this type should be persisted by the platform
  • All markers declared as persistent are saved when the workspace is saved, except those explicitly set as transient (the TRANSIENT attribute is set as true). A plug-in which defines a persistent marker is not directly involved in saving and restoring the marker. Markers are not under version and configuration management, and cannot be shared via VCM repositories.

    Markers implement the IAdaptable interface; extensions are managed by the platform's adapter manager.

    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
    This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

    Field Summary
    static  String BOOKMARK
              Bookmark marker type.
    static  String CHAR_END
              Character end marker attribute.
    static  String CHAR_START
              Character start marker attribute.
    static  String DONE
              Done marker attribute.
    static  String LINE_NUMBER
              Line number marker attribute.
    static  String LOCATION
              Location marker attribute.
    static  String MARKER
              Base marker type.
    static  String MESSAGE
              Message marker attribute.
    static  String PRIORITY
              Priority marker attribute.
    static int PRIORITY_HIGH
              High priority constant (value 2).
    static int PRIORITY_LOW
              Low priority constant (value 0).
    static int PRIORITY_NORMAL
              Normal priority constant (value 1).
    static  String PROBLEM
              Problem marker type.
    static  String SEVERITY
              Severity marker attribute.
    static int SEVERITY_ERROR
              Error severity constant (value 2) indicating an error state.
    static int SEVERITY_INFO
              Info severity constant (value 0) indicating information only.
    static int SEVERITY_WARNING
              Warning severity constant (value 1) indicating a warning.
    static  String SOURCE_ID
              Source id attribute.
    static  String TASK
              Task marker type.
    static  String TEXT
              Text marker type.
    static  String TRANSIENT
              Transient marker attribute.
    static  String USER_EDITABLE
              User editable marker attribute.
    Method Summary
     void delete ()
              Deletes this marker from its associated resource.
     boolean equals ( Object object)
              Tests this marker for equality with the given object.
     boolean exists ()
              Returns whether this marker exists in the workspace.
      Object getAttribute ( String attributeName)
              Returns the attribute with the given name.
     boolean getAttribute ( String attributeName, boolean defaultValue)
              Returns the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.
     int getAttribute ( String attributeName, int defaultValue)
              Returns the integer-valued attribute with the given name.
      String getAttribute ( String attributeName, String defaultValue)
              Returns the string-valued attribute with the given name.
      Map getAttributes ()
              Returns a map with all the attributes for the marker.
      Object[] getAttributes ( String[] attributeNames)
              Returns the attributes with the given names.
     long getCreationTime ()
              Returns the time at which this marker was created.
     long getId ()
              Returns the id of the marker.
      IResource getResource ()
              Returns the resource with which this marker is associated.
      String getType ()
              Returns the type of this marker.
     boolean isSubtypeOf ( String superType)
              Returns whether the type of this marker is considered to be a sub-type of the given marker type.
     void setAttribute ( String attributeName, boolean value)
              Sets the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.
     void setAttribute ( String attributeName, int value)
              Sets the integer-valued attribute with the given name.
     void setAttribute ( String attributeName, Object value)
              Sets the attribute with the given name.
     void setAttributes ( Map attributes)
              Sets the attributes for this marker to be the ones contained in the given table.
     void setAttributes ( String[] attributeNames, Object[] values)
              Sets the given attribute key-value pairs on this marker.
    Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime. IAdaptable

    Field Detail


    static final 
    String MARKER
    Base marker type.

    See Also:
    getType(), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String TASK
    Task marker type.

    See Also:
    getType(), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String PROBLEM
    Problem marker type.

    See Also:
    getType(), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String TEXT
    Text marker type.

    See Also:
    getType(), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String BOOKMARK
    Bookmark marker type.

    See Also:
    getType(), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String SEVERITY
    Severity marker attribute. A number from the set of error, warning and info severities defined by the platform.

    See Also:
    SEVERITY_ERROR, SEVERITY_WARNING, SEVERITY_INFO, getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String MESSAGE
    Message marker attribute. A localized string describing the nature of the marker (e.g., a name for a bookmark or task). The content and form of this attribute is not specified or interpreted by the platform.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String LOCATION
    Location marker attribute. The location is a human-readable (localized) string which can be used to distinguish between markers on a resource. As such it should be concise and aimed at users. The content and form of this attribute is not specified or interpreted by the platform.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String PRIORITY
    Priority marker attribute. A number from the set of high, normal and low priorities defined by the platform.

    See Also:
    PRIORITY_HIGH, PRIORITY_NORMAL, PRIORITY_LOW, getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String DONE
    Done marker attribute. A boolean value indicating whether the marker (e.g., a task) is considered done.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String CHAR_START
    Character start marker attribute. An integer value indicating where a text marker starts. This attribute is zero-relative and inclusive.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String CHAR_END
    Character end marker attribute. An integer value indicating where a text marker ends. This attribute is zero-relative and exclusive.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String LINE_NUMBER
    Line number marker attribute. An integer value indicating the line number for a text marker. This attribute is 1-relative.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String TRANSIENT
    Transient marker attribute. A boolean value indicating whether the marker (e. g., a task) is considered transient even if its type is declared as persistent.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    User editable marker attribute. A boolean value indicating whether a user should be able to manually change the marker (e.g. a task). The default is true. Note that the value of this attribute is to be used by the UI as a suggestion and its value will NOT be interpreted by Core in any manner and will not be enforced by Core when performing any operations on markers.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final 
    String SOURCE_ID
    Source id attribute. A string attribute that can be used by tools that generate markers to indicate the source of the marker. Use of this attribute is optional and its format or existence is not enforced. This attribute is intended to improve serviceability by providing a value that product support personnel or automated tools can use to determine appropriate help and resolutions for markers.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, String), Constant Field Values


    static final int PRIORITY_HIGH
    High priority constant (value 2).

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final int PRIORITY_NORMAL
    Normal priority constant (value 1).

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final int PRIORITY_LOW
    Low priority constant (value 0).

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final int SEVERITY_ERROR
    Error severity constant (value 2) indicating an error state.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final int SEVERITY_WARNING
    Warning severity constant (value 1) indicating a warning.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values


    static final int SEVERITY_INFO
    Info severity constant (value 0) indicating information only.

    See Also:
    getAttribute(String, int), Constant Field Values
    Method Detail


    void delete()
    Deletes this marker from its associated resource. This method has no effect if this marker does not exist.

    CoreException - if this marker could not be deleted. Reasons include:
    • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
    See Also:


    boolean equals(
    Object object)
    Tests this marker for equality with the given object. Two markers are equal if their id and resource are both equal.

    equals in class Object
    object - the other object
    an indication of whether the objects are equal


    boolean exists()
    Returns whether this marker exists in the workspace. A marker exists if its resource exists and has a marker with the marker's id.

    true if this marker exists, otherwise false


    Object getAttribute(
    String attributeName)
    Returns the attribute with the given name. The result is an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean. Returns null if the attribute is undefined.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    the value, or null if the attribute is undefined.
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.


    int getAttribute(
    String attributeName,
                     int defaultValue)
    Returns the integer-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined. or the marker does not exist or is not an integer value.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
    the value or the default value if no value was found.


    String getAttribute(
    String attributeName,
    String defaultValue)
    Returns the string-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined or the marker does not exist or is not a string value.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
    the value or the default value if no value was found.


    boolean getAttribute(
    String attributeName,
                         boolean defaultValue)
    Returns the boolean-valued attribute with the given name. Returns the given default value if the attribute is undefined or the marker does not exist or is not a boolean value.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    defaultValue - the value to use if no value is found
    the value or the default value if no value was found.


    Map getAttributes()
    Returns a map with all the attributes for the marker. If the marker has no attributes then null is returned.

    a map of attribute keys and values (key type : String value type : String, Integer, or Boolean) or null.
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.


    Object[] getAttributes(
    String[] attributeNames)
    Returns the attributes with the given names. The result is an an array whose elements correspond to the elements of the given attribute name array. Each element is null or an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean.

    attributeNames - the names of the attributes
    the values of the given attributes.
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.


    long getCreationTime()
    Returns the time at which this marker was created.

    the difference, measured in milliseconds, between the time at which this marker was created and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC, or 0L if the creation time is not known (this can occur in workspaces created using v2.0 or earlier).
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.


    long getId()
    Returns the id of the marker. The id of a marker is unique relative to the resource with which the marker is associated. Marker ids are not globally unique.

    the id of the marker
    See Also:


    IResource getResource()
    Returns the resource with which this marker is associated.

    the resource with which this marker is associated


    String getType()
    Returns the type of this marker. The returned marker type will not be null.

    the type of this marker
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.


    boolean isSubtypeOf(
    String superType)
    Returns whether the type of this marker is considered to be a sub-type of the given marker type.

    boolean trueif the marker's type is the same as (or a sub-type of) the given type.
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.


    void setAttribute(
    String attributeName,
                      int value)
    Sets the integer-valued attribute with the given name.

    This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that this marker has been modified.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    value - the value
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.
    • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
    See Also:


    void setAttribute(
    String attributeName,
    Object value)
    Sets the attribute with the given name. The value must be null or an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean. If the value is null, the attribute is considered to be undefined.

    The attribute value cannot be String whose UTF encoding exceeds 65535 bytes.

    This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that this marker has been modified.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    value - the value, or null if the attribute is to be undefined
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.
    • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
    See Also:


    void setAttribute(
    String attributeName,
                      boolean value)
    Sets the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.

    This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that this marker has been modified.

    attributeName - the name of the attribute
    value - the value
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.
    • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
    See Also:


    void setAttributes(
    String[] attributeNames,
    Object[] values)
    Sets the given attribute key-value pairs on this marker. The values must be null or an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean. If a value is null, the new value of the attribute is considered to be undefined.

    The values of the attributes cannot be String whose UTF encoding exceeds 65535 bytes.

    This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that this marker has been modified.

    attributeNames - an array of attribute names
    values - an array of attribute values
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.
    • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
    See Also:


    void setAttributes(
    Map attributes)
    Sets the attributes for this marker to be the ones contained in the given table. The values must be an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean. Attributes previously set on the marker but not included in the given map are considered to be removals. Setting the given map to be null is equivalent to removing all marker attributes.

    The values of the attributes cannot be String whose UTF encoding exceeds 65535 bytes.

    This method changes resources; these changes will be reported in a subsequent resource change event, including an indication that this marker has been modified.

    attributes - a map of attribute names to attribute values (key type : String value type : String, Integer, or Boolean) or null
    CoreException - if this method fails. Reasons include:
    • This marker does not exist.
    • Resource changes are disallowed during certain types of resource change event notification. See IResourceChangeEvent for more details.
    See Also:

    Eclipse Platform
    Release 3.5

    Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

    Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire