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Uses of Interface

Packages that use JET2Writer
org.eclipse.jet Defines core interfaces for executing JET transformations and templates. 
org.eclipse.jet.taglib Interfaces and abstract classes for implement custom JET tags. Define utility functions for interacting with the Standard JET Java tags. 
org.eclipse.jet.taglib.workspace Defines JET workspace actions that custom tags may perform as part of a JET transformation. 
org.eclipse.jet.transform Defines JET transformation related interfaces. 

Uses of JET2Writer in org.eclipse.jet

Subinterfaces of JET2Writer in org.eclipse.jet
 interface BufferedJET2Writer
          Protocol defining a buffered writer for JET.

Classes in org.eclipse.jet that implement JET2Writer
 class BodyContentWriter
          Standard implementation of BufferedJET2Writer that uses on IDocument as its buffer.

Methods in org.eclipse.jet that return JET2Writer
  JET2Writer BodyContentWriter. getParentWriter ()
  JET2Writer JET2Writer. getParentWriter ()
          Return the parent of this writer, if it was created via newNestedContentWriter().
  JET2Writer BodyContentWriter. newNestedContentWriter ()
  JET2Writer JET2Writer. newNestedContentWriter ()
          Create a writer for handling nested content.

Methods in org.eclipse.jet with parameters of type JET2Writer
 void IWriterListener. finalizeContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object file)
          Perform any finalization of the content in the writer.
 void IWriterListenerExtension. finalizeContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object fileObject, java.lang.String existingContent)
          Perform any finalization of the content in the writer.
 void JET2Template. generate ( JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Execute the template against the input contained in the JET2Context, and writing the result to the JET2Writer.
 void JET2TemplateManager.ITemplateRunner. generate (java.lang.String templatePath, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Execute a JET2 template
 void IWriterListener. postCommitContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object file)
          Perform any post processing on the committed file based on content written.
 void BodyContentWriter. write ( JET2Writer bodyContent)
 void JET2Writer. write ( JET2Writer bodyContent)
          Write the contents of the passed writer to this writer.

Uses of JET2Writer in org.eclipse.jet.taglib

Methods in org.eclipse.jet.taglib that return JET2Writer
  JET2Writer CustomTag. getOut ()
          Return the writer to which the tag will write.
  JET2Writer AbstractCustomTag. getOut ()
  JET2Writer RuntimeTagElement. getWriter ()
          Return the writer passed to RuntimeTagElement.doStart(JET2Context, JET2Writer).

Methods in org.eclipse.jet.taglib with parameters of type JET2Writer
static void MarkerHelper. createMarkerOnWriter ( JET2Writer writer, int start, int end, java.lang.String description, TagInfo tagInfo, java.lang.String templatePath)
          Specify a region of the writer that will become a workspace marker when the file contents are committed.
 void EmptyTag. doAction ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Perform the action for the empty tag.
 void AbstractContainerTag. doAction ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Default implementation of EmptyTag.doAction(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer) that simply calls ContainerTag.doBeforeBody(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer) and then ContainerTag.doAfterBody(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer).
 void ContainerTag. doAfterBody ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Perform processing after the tag body is processed.
 void AbstractIteratingTag. doAfterBody ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Default implementation of ContainerTag.doAfterBody(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer) that does nothing.
 void AbstractConditionalTag. doAfterBody ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Default version of {#link ContainerTag.doAfterBody(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer) that does nothing.
 void ContainerTag. doBeforeBody ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Perform processing before the tags body is processed.
 void AbstractIteratingTag. doBeforeBody ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Default implementation of ContainerTag.doBeforeBody(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer) that writes a delimiter if set.
 void AbstractConditionalTag. doBeforeBody ( TagInfo td, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Default version of ContainerTag.doBeforeBody(TagInfo, JET2Context, JET2Writer) that does nothing.
 void OtherTag. doEnd ( TagInfo tc, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Perform actions required after the tag body has been evaluted.
 void RuntimeTagElement. doStart ( JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Perform any actions associated with the start of the tag element.
 void OtherTag. doStart ( TagInfo tc, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out)
          Perform actions required prior to the tag body evaluation.
 void UserRegionHelper. finalizeContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object file)
 void MarkerHelper. finalizeContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object file)
 void UserRegionHelper. finalizeContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object fileObject, java.lang.String existingContent)
 void RuntimeTagElement. handleBodyContent ( JET2Writer bodyContent)
          Handle the body content of the tag element.
 void OtherTag. handleBodyContent ( TagInfo tc, JET2Context context, JET2Writer out, JET2Writer bodyContent)
          Re-write the tag body.
static void UserRegionHelper. markInitialCode ( JET2Writer out, int initialCodeStart, int initialCodeEnd)
          Mark the initial code portion of the user region.
static void UserRegionHelper. markInitialCode ( JET2Writer out, int initialCodeStart, int initialCodeEnd, java.lang.String unmodifiedMarker)
          Mark the initial code portion of the user region.
static void UserRegionHelper. markUserRegion ( JET2Writer out, int regionStart, int regionEnd)
          Mark the user region on the output writer
 void UserRegionHelper. postCommitContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object file)
 void MarkerHelper. postCommitContent ( JET2Writer writer, java.lang.Object file)
 void ContainerTag. setBodyContent ( JET2Writer bodyContent)
          Passes the tag handler a writer containing the processed contents of the tag body.
 void AbstractContainerTag. setBodyContent ( JET2Writer bodyContent)
          Default implementation of ContainerTag.setBodyContent(JET2Writer) that writes body content to the tag's output.
 void CustomTag. setOut ( JET2Writer out)
          Set the writer to which the tag will write.
 void AbstractCustomTag. setOut ( JET2Writer out)

Uses of JET2Writer in

Methods in with parameters of type JET2Writer
static org.eclipse.emf.codegen.util.ImportManager JavaImportsUtil. getImportManager ( JET2Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Use JavaActionsUtil.getImportManager(JET2Writer) instead
static org.eclipse.emf.codegen.util.ImportManager JavaActionsUtil. getImportManager ( JET2Writer writer)
          Return the imports manager installed in the current writer.

Uses of JET2Writer in org.eclipse.jet.taglib.workspace

Methods in org.eclipse.jet.taglib.workspace with parameters of type JET2Writer
static boolean ActionsUtil. writeTextFileFromWriter (org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile file, boolean replace, java.lang.String encoding, boolean derived, JET2Writer writer, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Write the file with the specified options from a JET writer.

Uses of JET2Writer in org.eclipse.jet.transform

Methods in org.eclipse.jet.transform with parameters of type JET2Writer
 void TransformContextExtender. execute (java.lang.String templatePath, boolean useSuper, JET2Writer writer)
          Execute the named template, writing all template output to the passed writer.
 void TransformContextExtender. execute (java.lang.String templatePath, JET2Writer writer)
          Execute the named template, writing all template output to the passed writer.

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