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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Interface ISourceManipulation

All Known Subinterfaces:
ICompilationUnit, IField, IImportDeclaration, IInitializer, IMember, IMethod, IPackageFragment, IType

public interface ISourceManipulation

Common protocol for Java elements that support source code manipulations such as copy, move, rename, and delete.

This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
 void copy ( IJavaElement container, IJavaElement sibling, String rename, boolean replace, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Copies this element to the given container.
 void delete (boolean force, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Deletes this element, forcing if specified and necessary.
 void move ( IJavaElement container, IJavaElement sibling, String rename, boolean replace, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Moves this element to the given container.
 void rename ( String name, boolean replace, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Renames this element to the given name.

Method Detail


void copy(
IJavaElement container,
IJavaElement sibling,
String rename,
          boolean replace,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Copies this element to the given container.

container - the container
sibling - the sibling element before which the copy should be inserted, or null if the copy should be inserted as the last child of the container
rename - the new name for the element, or null if the copy retains the name of this element
replace - true if any existing child in the container with the target name should be replaced, and false to throw an exception in the event of a name collision
monitor - a progress monitor
JavaModelException - if this element could not be copied. Reasons include:
  • This Java element, container element, or sibling does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
  • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
  • The container is of an incompatible type (INVALID_DESTINATION)
  • The sibling is not a child of the given container (INVALID_SIBLING)
  • The new name is invalid (INVALID_NAME)
  • A child in the container already exists with the same name (NAME_COLLISION) and replace has been specified as false
  • The container or this element is read-only (READ_ONLY)
IllegalArgumentException - if container is null


void delete(boolean force,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Deletes this element, forcing if specified and necessary.

force - a flag controlling whether underlying resources that are not in sync with the local file system will be tolerated (same as the force flag in IResource operations).
monitor - a progress monitor
JavaModelException - if this element could not be deleted. Reasons include:
  • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
  • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource (CORE_EXCEPTION)
  • This element is read-only (READ_ONLY)


void move(
IJavaElement container,
IJavaElement sibling,
String rename,
          boolean replace,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Moves this element to the given container.

container - the container
sibling - the sibling element before which the element should be inserted, or null if the element should be inserted as the last child of the container
rename - the new name for the element, or null if the element retains its name
replace - true if any existing child in the container with the target name should be replaced, and false to throw an exception in the event of a name collision
monitor - a progress monitor
JavaModelException - if this element could not be moved. Reasons include:
  • This Java element, container element, or sibling does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
  • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
  • The container is of an incompatible type (INVALID_DESTINATION)
  • The sibling is not a child of the given container (INVALID_SIBLING)
  • The new name is invalid (INVALID_NAME)
  • A child in the container already exists with the same name (NAME_COLLISION) and replace has been specified as false
  • The container or this element is read-only (READ_ONLY)
IllegalArgumentException - if container is null


void rename(
String name,
            boolean replace,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Renames this element to the given name.

name - the new name for the element
replace - true if any existing element with the target name should be replaced, and false to throw an exception in the event of a name collision
monitor - a progress monitor
JavaModelException - if this element could not be renamed. Reasons include:
  • This Java element does not exist (ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST)
  • A CoreException occurred while updating an underlying resource
  • The new name is invalid (INVALID_NAME)
  • A child in the container already exists with the same name (NAME_COLLISION) and replace has been specified as false
  • This element is read-only (READ_ONLY)

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire