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Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractTagConverter
org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.converter Tag conversion framework. 

Uses of AbstractTagConverter in org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.converter

Subclasses of AbstractTagConverter in org.eclipse.jst.pagedesigner.converter
 class DefaultUnknownTagConverter
          This tag converter is for those unsupported jsp tags.
 class DumDeepTagConverter
 class DumDescriptionTagConverter
 class DumTagConverter
 class HiddenTagConverter2
          HiddenTagConverter2 is similiar to HiddenTagConverter, with the following difference: HiddenTagConverter2 will copy the DOM sub tree to the destination document.
 class HTMLStringTagConverter
          For some tag, could generate some XML code.
 class TagConverterToDumBlock
 class TagConverterToInlineBlock
          This converter can be used simply convert the tag to inline div, and copy all the children NOTE: It behave almost same as "span".
 class TagConverterToSpan
          This converter can be used simply convert the tag to span, and copy all the children NOTE: it will not copy attributes!

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire