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Generation Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFigureItemProvider

Uses of AbstractFigureItemProvider in org.eclipse.gmf.gmfgraph.provider

Subclasses of AbstractFigureItemProvider in org.eclipse.gmf.gmfgraph.provider
 class CustomConnectionItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a CustomConnection object
 class CustomDecorationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a CustomDecoration object
 class CustomFigureItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a CustomFigure object
 class EllipseItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Ellipse object
 class FigureRefItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a FigureRef object
 class LabeledContainerItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a LabeledContainer object
 class LabelItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Label object
 class PolygonDecorationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a PolygonDecoration object
 class PolygonItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Polygon object
 class PolylineConnectionItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a PolylineConnection object
 class PolylineDecorationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a PolylineDecoration object
 class PolylineItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Polyline object
 class RealFigureItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a RealFigure object
 class RectangleItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Rectangle object
 class RoundedRectangleItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a RoundedRectangle object
 class ScalablePolygonItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ScalablePolygon object
 class ShapeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Shape object
 class SVGFigureItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a SVGFigure object

Generation Framework

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) IBM Corp., Borland Software Corp., and others 2005,2006. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire