Interface DiagramFactory
public interface DiagramFactory
Interface defining the basic Diagram Factory APIs; a diagram factory is responsible for creating a diagram.
The createDiagram will be called by the ViewService (using reflection) during
a diagram creation process. The Diagram Factory implementation class is provided to the ViewService
by the CreateDiagramViewOperation
See Also:
ViewService ,
Diagram createDiagram(
IAdaptable semanticAdapter,
java.lang.String diagramKind,
PreferencesHint preferencesHint)
semanticAdapter - -
diagramKind - -
preferencesHint - The preference hint that is to be used to find the appropriate
preference store from which to retrieve diagram preference
values. The preference hint is mapped to a preference store in
the preference registry <@link DiagramPreferencesRegistry>.
Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.
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