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Class ExecutionStrategy

  extended by 

      extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class ExecutionStrategy
extends EnumeratedType

An enumeration of provider execution strategies.

Each service provider has a ProviderPriority that is declared in its extension descriptor. It is the ExecutionStrategy that determines how service provider priorities are used to select a provider to service each client request. For example, if the FIRST is used, the provider with the highest priority will give an answer to the request.

See Also:
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service, Serialized Form

Field Summary
static  ExecutionStrategy FIRST
          Executes an operation on the first provider of the highest priority that provides the operation.
static  ExecutionStrategy FORWARD
          Executes an operation on all providers that provide the operation, in order from highest to lowest priority.
static  ExecutionStrategy LAST
          Executes an operation on the last provider of the lowest priority that provides the operation.
static  ProviderPriority[] PRIORITIES
          The list of pre-defined provider priorities.
static  ExecutionStrategy REVERSE
          Executes an operation on all providers that provide the operation, in reverse order from lowest to highest priority.
Constructor Summary
protected ExecutionStrategy (java.lang.String name)
          Constructs a new execution strategy with the specified name.
protected ExecutionStrategy (java.lang.String name, int ordinal)
          Constructs a new execution strategy with the specified name and ordinal.
Method Summary
abstract  java.util.List execute ( Service service, IOperation operation)
          Executes the specified operation on providers obtained from the specified service, according to this execution strategy.
protected  java.util.List getProviders ( Service service, ExecutionStrategy strategy, ProviderPriority priority, IOperation operation)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide the specified operation.
protected  java.util.List getProviders ( Service service, ProviderPriority priority)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority.
 java.util.List getUncachedProviders ( Service service, ProviderPriority priority, IOperation operation)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide the specified operation.
protected  java.util.List getValues ()
          Retrieves the list of constants for this enumerated type.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.util. EnumeratedType
equals, getName, getOrdinal, hashCode, readResolve, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final 
ProviderPriority[] PRIORITIES
The list of pre-defined provider priorities.


public static final 
ExecutionStrategy FIRST
Executes an operation on the first provider of the highest priority that provides the operation.


public static final 
ExecutionStrategy LAST
Executes an operation on the last provider of the lowest priority that provides the operation.


public static final 
ExecutionStrategy FORWARD
Executes an operation on all providers that provide the operation, in order from highest to lowest priority.


public static final 
ExecutionStrategy REVERSE
Executes an operation on all providers that provide the operation, in reverse order from lowest to highest priority.

Constructor Detail


protected ExecutionStrategy(java.lang.String name)
Constructs a new execution strategy with the specified name.

name - The name of the new execution strategy.


protected ExecutionStrategy(java.lang.String name,
                            int ordinal)
Constructs a new execution strategy with the specified name and ordinal.

name - The name of the new execution strategy.
ordinal - The ordinal for the new execution strategy.
Method Detail


protected java.util.List getValues()
Retrieves the list of constants for this enumerated type.

Specified by:
getValues in class EnumeratedType
The list of constants for this enumerated type.


public abstract java.util.List execute(
Service service,
IOperation operation)
Executes the specified operation on providers obtained from the specified service, according to this execution strategy.

service - The service from which to obtain the providers.
operation - The operation to be executed.
The list of results.


public java.util.List getUncachedProviders(
Service service,
ProviderPriority priority,
IOperation operation)
Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide the specified operation.

service - The service used by the strategy
priority - The priority of providers to be retrieved.
operation - The operation that the provides must provide.
A list of uncached providers.


protected final java.util.List getProviders(
Service service,
ProviderPriority priority)
Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority.

service - The service used by the strategy
priority - The priority of providers to be retrieved.
A list of providers of the specified priority.


protected final java.util.List getProviders(
Service service,
ExecutionStrategy strategy,
ProviderPriority priority,
IOperation operation)
Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide the specified operation. If this service is optimized, the result will be cached the first time it is retrieved. If caching is pessimistic, the providers from the cache will be checked first.

service - The service used by the strategy
strategy - The strategy used by the service
priority - The priority of providers to be retrieved.
operation - The operation that the provides must provide.
A list of providers (from the cache, if appropriate).


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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire