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Interface TransactionalEditingDomainListener

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public interface TransactionalEditingDomainListener
extends EventListener

A listener interface providing notifications of changes to a transactional editing domain. This differs from the ResourceSetListener which notifies of changes to the resource-set managed by the editing domain. The events that occur in a transactional editing domain are:

The TransactionalEditingDomainListenerImpl class provides convenient empty implementations of the listener methods, suitable for subclassing to selectively implement these call-backs.

See Also:
TransactionalEditingDomain.Lifecycle, TransactionalEditingDomainListenerImpl

Method Summary
 void editingDomainDisposing ( TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)
           Signals that the transactional editing domain to which the lister is attached is to be disposed.
 void transactionClosed ( TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)
           Signals that a transaction has closed, either with a successful commit or with a roll-back.
 void transactionClosing ( TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)
           Signals that a transaction has finished its work and is about to close.
 void transactionInterrupted ( TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)
           Signals that a transaction that has requested activation was interrupted before it could start.
 void transactionStarted ( TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)
           Signals that a transaction has been activated.
 void transactionStarting ( TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)
           Signals that a transaction has requested activation, but is not yet started.

Method Detail


void transactionStarting(
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)

Signals that a transaction has requested activation, but is not yet started. Note that any number of transactions may be in this state simultaneously, on different threads, but obviously only one will actually start.

This event is not sent for nested transactions, nor for a transaction's resumption from the yielded state.

event - indicates the transaction that is about to start


void transactionInterrupted(
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)

Signals that a transaction that has requested activation was interrupted before it could start. Thus, this indicates a failed start.

This event is not sent for nested transactions.

event - indicates the transaction that was interrupted


void transactionStarted(
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)

Signals that a transaction has been activated.

This event is not sent for nested transactions, nor for a transaction's resumption from the yielded state.

event - indicates the transaction that has started


void transactionClosing(
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)

Signals that a transaction has finished its work and is about to close. This may be the beginning of the normal commit sequence of trigger firing followed by validation (subsequently rolling back, if necessary), or an explicit roll-back requested by the transaction, itself.

This event is not sent for nested transactions, nor for a transaction's entry into the yielded state.

event - indicates the transaction that is about to close


void transactionClosed(
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)

Signals that a transaction has closed, either with a successful commit or with a roll-back. The status of the transaction will indicate which has occurred; an IStatus.ERROR indicates roll-back. This event is sent after all post-commit notifications have gone out to ResourceSetListeners.

This event is not sent for nested transactions.

event - indicates the transaction that has closed


void editingDomainDisposing(
TransactionalEditingDomainEvent event)

Signals that the transactional editing domain to which the lister is attached is to be disposed. Disposal result, among other things, in the removal of the listener from it.

event - indicates the editing domain that is being disposed. The event has no transaction

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