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Eclipse C/C++ Developer Guide
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Debugging a program

You must create a debug launch configuration the first time you debug your program.

To create a debug configuration:

  1. In C/C++ Projects view, select a project.
  2. Click Run > Debug.
  3. In the Debug dialog box, select a debug configuration type from the Configurations list.
  4. Click New.

  5. In the Name box, type a descriptive name for this debug configuration.
  6. In the Project box, type the name of the project containing the application you want to debug.
  7. In the C/C++ Application box, type the name of the executable that you want to run.
  8. Click Debug.
  9. The debug perspective is opened and the application window opens on top. The C/C++ editor window is repositioned in the perspective.

For more information:

To use a debug configuration:

You can reuse a previously created debug launch configuration to debug your program.

  1. Click Run > Debug.
  2. In the Debug dialog box, select a debug configuration from the Configurations list.
  3. Click Debug.

Related concepts
Debug overview
Debug information

Related tasks

Related reference
Run and Debug dialog box

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