Sharing your workspace setup using Project Sets
Your workspace setup may consist of several projects from one
or more repositories. Once you have setup your workspace, you can share it with
others by exporting a Team Project Set. A project set is a text file that contains
a pointer to each of the projects contained in the project set.When a project
set is imported, these pointers are used to fetch the projects from the repository.
Project sets can include any projects that are mapped to repository tooling
that provides support for them, such as CVS. To export a project set:
- Setup your workspace with all the projects you want to work on by checking
them out of CVS or obtaining them in any manner appropriate for the repository
tooling you are using.
- From the File menu, choose Export. The
Export dialog will open.
- In the Export dialog, choose Team > Team Project Set and click Next.
The dialog will now display all the projects that are eligible for export.
- Check the projects you wish to include in the project set. Either browse
for or type in the name of the file where you wish to save the project set
and then click Finish.
Now you have created a project set file. You can now share this
file with others or use it yourself to recreate your workspace. To Import a
project set:
- From the File menu, choose Import. This
will open the
Import dialog.
- In the Import dialog, choose Team > Team Project Set and click Next.
- Browse for or type in the name of the file containing the project set and
click Finish.
- The projects contained in the project set will be fetched from the repository.
For CVS, you will be prompted to provide the authentication information
(user name and password) for the repository as it is not included in the project
Specify Repository Information dialog
When the project set contains only partial repository information
(not all locations are known) the Specify Repository Information window is displayed offering three options for Repository locations:
- Use the original location that is displayed in the first row of the Repository location column drop down list.
- Click OK to choose a known repository location from the same drop down list (default).
- Create a new repository location by clicking the Create Location button.
The user can fully configure the repository location, specify a user name, and change the connection method if required. For example, a project set file containing extssh connections can be used by a non-committer as they can reconfigure the repository location connection method on import to a pserver.
Team programming with CVS
CVS Repositories
Checking out a project from a CVS repository
Checking out a module from a CVS repository
Creating a CVS repository location
Sharing a new project using CVS
CVS Repositories view
CVS Checkout wizard