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Eclipse Workbench User Guide
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Ant buildfiles as project builders

Our second practical example of using Ant buildfiles in Eclipse is a 'project builder'. This is an Ant buildfile that has been designated to run whenever a project is built. The uses for such a buildfile are many:

  • Generate a .jar file containing class files from your project
  • Perform some type of pre- or post-build processing on source or binary files in your project. For example:
    • Pre-processing source files to instrument them for performance analysis
    • Obfuscating binary files to prevent reverse engineering
  • Copy class files to some location (for instance, on a network)

For this example, we will create an Ant buildfile that creates a .jar archive of the class files in a project. Note that this is similar to the example in the last chapter, in which we used an Ant buildfile to generate .jar files for an Eclipse plug-in. This example differs in that it works for any Eclipse project, whether or not it is also an Eclipse plug-in.

Related tasks
Creating Ant buildfiles
Editing Ant buildfiles
Running Ant buildfiles
Saving & Reusing Ant options
Creating a project builder Ant buildfile
Executing project builders
External tools
Non-Ant project builders
Stand-alone external tools

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire