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Release 3.0

Class StandardCredentialsProvider

  extended by 

      extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StandardCredentialsProvider
extends AbstractCredentialsProvider

The StandardCredentialsProvider is an extension of AbstractCredentialsProvider that provides for the prompting of a userid and password.

It uses a PasswordPersistenceManager to store the passwords in the keychain keyed by IHost and possibly by ISubSystemConfiguration.

This is suitable for use by subclasses of StandardConnectorService that wish to provide prompting and persistence for userids and passwords when connecting.

This class is may be subclassed. Typically to provide connector service specific prompting.

Constructor Summary
StandardCredentialsProvider ( IConnectorService connectorService)
          Creates a standard credentials provider for a connector service.
Method Summary
 void acquireCredentials (boolean reacquire)
          Acquires the credentials (userid and password) for this connector service.
 void clearCredentials ()
          Clears the credentials known by this credentials provider.
 void clearPassword ()
          If the credentials include a password or equivalent then clears only that that portion of the credentials.
  ICredentials getCredentials ()
          Retrieves the credentials known to this credentials provider.
protected   ISystemPasswordPromptDialog getPasswordPromptDialog ( Shell shell)
          A default implementation is supplied, but can be overridden if desired.
protected   ICredentialsValidator getSignonValidator ()
          Optionally overridable, not implemented by default.
  String getUserId ()
          If the credentials include a user id then retrieve that user id.
 void repairCredentials ( SystemMessage prompt)
          The connector service using this provider may find the credentials provided are incorrector or expired.
 void setPassword ( String password)
          If the credentials include a password or equivalent then set that password to the new value.
 void setPassword ( String matchingUserId, String password, boolean persist)
          Useful utility method.
 void setUserId ( String newId)
          If the credentials include a user id then set that user id to the new value.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.core.subsystems. AbstractCredentialsProvider
getConnectorService, isSuppressed, requiresPassword, requiresUserId, setSuppressed, supportsPassword, supportsUserId
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public StandardCredentialsProvider(
IConnectorService connectorService)
Creates a standard credentials provider for a connector service.

connectorService - the connector service associated with this provider.
See Also:
Method Detail


public final void acquireCredentials(boolean reacquire)
Acquires the credentials (userid and password) for this connector service. The search order for the password is as follows:

  1. First check if the password is already known by this connector service and that it is still valid.
  2. If password not known then look in the password store and verify that it is still valid.
  3. If a valid password is not found or is to be re-acquired then prompt the user

reacquire - if true then present the prompt even if the password was found and is valid.
OperationCanceledException - if user is prompted and user cancels that prompt or if AbstractCredentialsProvider.isSuppressed() is true. Before RSE 3.0, the method would have thrown InterruptedException in that case.


public final void clearCredentials()
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
Clears the credentials known by this credentials provider. This will cause a reacquistion of all compoenents of the credentials at the next acquire. If credentials consist of a user id and password then both of those are cleared. Does not clear any persistently remembered values.


public final void clearPassword()
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
If the credentials include a password or equivalent then clears only that that portion of the credentials. If the credentials do not include a password then the implementation may somehow invalidate the credentials so that they will be reacquired at the next acquisition.


public final 
ICredentials getCredentials()
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
Retrieves the credentials known to this credentials provider. Does not cause the credentials to be acquired. May be used after ICredentialsProvider.acquireCredentials(boolean) to retrieve credentials.

the credentials that have previously been acquired or repaired. May be null if no credentials have yet been acquired.


public final 
String getUserId()
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
If the credentials include a user id then retrieve that user id. If the credentials do not currently contain a user id then a default user id related to the connector service may be obtained. If the credentials do not support a user id then this should return null.

the userid of the credentials held by this provider


public final void repairCredentials(
SystemMessage prompt)
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
The connector service using this provider may find the credentials provided are incorrector or expired. This method asks the provider to repair those credentials. This would typically be used to present a dialog asking for the reentry of an expired password.

prompt - the message indicating the nature of the damage that must be repaired. For example, indicating expiration of a password.
OperationCanceledException - if the repair is cancelled for some reason. This could include the inability of a credentials provider to open a dialog or a dialog being cancelled.


public final void setPassword(
String password)
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
If the credentials include a password or equivalent then set that password to the new value. If the credentials do not include a password then the implementation may ignore this.

password - the new value of the password in the credentials held by this provider


public final void setPassword(
String matchingUserId,
String password,
                              boolean persist)
Useful utility method. Fully implemented, no need to override.
Set the password if you got it from somewhere

matchingUserId - the user for which to set the password
password - the password to set for this userid
persist - true if the password is to be persisted as well


public final void setUserId(
String newId)
Description copied from interface: ICredentialsProvider
If the credentials include a user id then set that user id to the new value. If the credentials do not include a user id then this is implementation defined.

newId - the user id to place into the credentials held by this provider


ISystemPasswordPromptDialog getPasswordPromptDialog(
Shell shell)
A default implementation is supplied, but can be overridden if desired.
Instantiates and returns the dialog to prompt for the userId and password.

An instance of a dialog class that implements ISystemPasswordPromptDialog


ICredentialsValidator getSignonValidator()
Optionally overridable, not implemented by default.
Get the credentials validator to use to validate the credentials as entered in the dialog. This should only do a local validation.

null indicating that no signon validator exists.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire