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Release 3.0

Interface IRSEBasePersistableReferencedObject

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IRSEPersistableReferencedObject, ISystemFilterPool

public interface IRSEBasePersistableReferencedObject
extends IRSEBaseReferencedObject

Referenced objects are objects that have shadow objects (referencing objects) of them. Typically, references are created to enable a UI which does not allow the same real object to appear multiple times. In these cases, a unique reference object is created for each unique instance of the real object.

The parent interface IRSEReferencedObject captures the simple set of methods an object that supports such a real object implement.

This interface specializes that for the case of real objects that support references that must be persisted. Typically, we build the references in memory at runtime to satisfy the UI. However, occasionally we build the list of references for a more permanent reason, such as when we let a user choose a subset from a master list.

When we persist such a reference, we can't persist the memory reference to the master object. Instead, we persist the unique name of that object, and upon restoring from disk we then resolve that into a runtime reference to a real memory object.

This interface supplies the method to allow a referencing object to query that unique name or key from this real object.

Method Summary
  String getReferenceName ()
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.references. IRSEBaseReferencedObject
addReference, getReferenceCount, getReferencingObjects, removeAllReferences, removeReference

Method Detail


String getReferenceName()
the unique name or key of this master object to record in the referencing object.

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire