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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class DrillDownAdapter

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DrillDownAdapter
extends Object
implements ISelectionChangedListener

Implements a simple web style navigation metaphor for a TreeViewer. Home, back, and "drill into" functions are supported for the viewer,

To use the DrillDownAdapter ..

  • Create an instance of TreeViewer.
  • Create a DrillDownAdapter for the viewer.
  • Create a container for your viewer with a toolbar or a popup menu. Add actions for "goBack", "goHome", and "goInto" to either one by calling addNavigationActions with the popup menu or toolbar.
  • If the input for the underlying viewer is changed by something other than the adapter the reset method should be called. This will clear the drill stack and update the navigation buttons to reflect the new state of the underlying viewer.

    Constructor Summary
    DrillDownAdapter ( TreeViewer tree)
              Allocates a new DrillDownTreePart.
    Method Summary
     void addNavigationActions ( IMenuManager manager)
              Adds actions for "go back", "go home", and "go into" to a menu manager.
     void addNavigationActions ( IToolBarManager toolBar)
              Adds actions for "go back", "go home", and "go into" to a tool bar manager.
     boolean canExpand ( Object element)
              Returns whether expansion is possible for the current selection.
     boolean canGoBack ()
              Returns whether "go back" is possible for child tree.
     boolean canGoHome ()
              Returns whether "go home" is possible for child tree.
     boolean canGoInto ()
              Returns whether "go into" is possible for child tree.
     void goBack ()
              Reverts the input for the tree back to the state when goInto was last called.
     void goHome ()
              Reverts the input for the tree back to the state when the adapter was created.
     void goInto ()
              Sets the input for the tree to the current selection.
     void goInto ( Object newInput)
              Sets the input for the tree to a particular item in the tree.
     void reset ()
              Resets the drill down adapter.
     void selectionChanged ( SelectionChangedEvent event)
              Updates the navigation buttons when a selection change occurs in the tree.
    protected  void updateNavigationButtons ()
              Updates the enabled state for each navigation button.
    Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Constructor Detail


    public DrillDownAdapter(
    TreeViewer tree)
    Allocates a new DrillDownTreePart.

    tree - the target tree for refocusing
    Method Detail


    public void addNavigationActions(
    IMenuManager manager)
    Adds actions for "go back", "go home", and "go into" to a menu manager.

    manager - is the target manager to update


    public void addNavigationActions(
    IToolBarManager toolBar)
    Adds actions for "go back", "go home", and "go into" to a tool bar manager.

    toolBar - is the target manager to update


    public boolean canExpand(
    Object element)
    Returns whether expansion is possible for the current selection. This will only be true if it has children.

    element - the object to test for expansion
    true if expansion is possible; otherwise return false


    public boolean canGoBack()
    Returns whether "go back" is possible for child tree. This is only possible if the client has performed one or more drilling operations.

    true if "go back" is possible; false otherwise


    public boolean canGoHome()
    Returns whether "go home" is possible for child tree. This is only possible if the client has performed one or more drilling operations.

    true if "go home" is possible; false otherwise


    public boolean canGoInto()
    Returns whether "go into" is possible for child tree. This is only possible if the current selection in the client has one item and it has children.

    true if "go into" is possible; false otherwise


    public void goBack()
    Reverts the input for the tree back to the state when goInto was last called.

    A frame is removed from the drill stack. Then that frame is used to reset the input and expansion state for the child tree.


    public void goHome()
    Reverts the input for the tree back to the state when the adapter was created.

    All of the frames are removed from the drill stack. Then the oldest frame is used to reset the input and expansion state for the child tree.


    public void goInto()
    Sets the input for the tree to the current selection.

    The current input and expansion state are saved in a frame and added to the drill stack. Then the input for the tree is changed to be the current selection. The expansion state for the tree is maintained during the operation.

    On return the client may revert back to the previous state by invoking goBack or goHome.


    public void goInto(
    Object newInput)
    Sets the input for the tree to a particular item in the tree.

    The current input and expansion state are saved in a frame and added to the drill stack. Then the input for the tree is changed to be newInput. The expansion state for the tree is maintained during the operation.

    On return the client may revert back to the previous state by invoking goBack or goHome.

    newInput - the new input element


    public void reset()
    Resets the drill down adapter.

    This method is typically called when the input for the underlying view is reset by something other than the adapter. On return the drill stack has been cleared and the navigation buttons reflect the new state of the underlying viewer.


    public void selectionChanged(
    SelectionChangedEvent event)
    Updates the navigation buttons when a selection change occurs in the tree.

    Specified by:
    selectionChanged in interface ISelectionChangedListener
    event - event object describing the change


    protected void updateNavigationButtons()
    Updates the enabled state for each navigation button.

    Eclipse Platform
    Release 3.5

    Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

    Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire