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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class PreferencesUtil

  extended by 

public final class PreferencesUtil
extends Object

The PreferencesUtil class is the class that opens a properties or preference dialog on a set of ids.


Field Summary
          Constant for configuring a preferences or properties dialog in which the user cannot "unfilter" to show a larger set of pages than was passed to createPreferenceDialogOn(Shell, String, String[], Object, int) or createPropertyDialogOn(Shell, IAdaptable, String, String[], Object, int) .
static int OPTION_NONE
          Constant denoting no option.
Constructor Summary
PreferencesUtil ()
Method Summary
static  PreferenceDialog createPreferenceDialogOn ( Shell shell, String preferencePageId, String[] displayedIds, Object data)
          Creates a workbench preference dialog and selects particular preference page.
static  PreferenceDialog createPreferenceDialogOn ( Shell shell, String preferencePageId, String[] displayedIds, Object data, int options)
          Creates a workbench preference dialog and selects particular preference page.
static  PreferenceDialog createPropertyDialogOn ( Shell shell, IAdaptable element, String propertyPageId, String[] displayedIds, Object data)
          Creates a workbench preference dialog to a particular preference page.
static  PreferenceDialog createPropertyDialogOn ( Shell shell, IAdaptable element, String propertyPageId, String[] displayedIds, Object data, int options)
          Creates a workbench preference dialog to a particular preference page.
static boolean hasPropertiesContributors ( Object element)
          Indicates whether the specified element has at least one property page contributor.
static  IPreferenceNode[] propertiesContributorsFor ( Object element)
          Return all of the properties page contributors for an element.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int OPTION_NONE
Constant denoting no option.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OPTION_FILTER_LOCKED
Constant for configuring a preferences or properties dialog in which the user cannot "unfilter" to show a larger set of pages than was passed to createPreferenceDialogOn(Shell, String, String[], Object, int) or createPropertyDialogOn(Shell, IAdaptable, String, String[], Object, int) .

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PreferencesUtil()
Method Detail


public static final 
PreferenceDialog createPreferenceDialogOn(
Shell shell,
String preferencePageId,
String[] displayedIds,
Object data)
Creates a workbench preference dialog and selects particular preference page. If there is already a preference dialog open this dialog is used and its selection is set to the page with id preferencePageId. Show the other pages as filtered results using whatever filtering criteria the search uses. It is the responsibility of the caller to then call open(). The call to open() will not return until the dialog closes, so this is the last chance to manipulate the dialog.

shell - The Shell to parent the dialog off of if it is not already created. May be null in which case the active workbench window will be used if available.
preferencePageId - The identifier of the preference page to open; may be null. If it is null, then the preference page is not selected or modified in any way.
displayedIds - The ids of the other pages to be displayed using the same filtering criterea as search. If this is null, then the all preference pages are shown.
data - Data that will be passed to all of the preference pages to be applied as specified within the page as they are created. If the data is null nothing will be called.
a preference dialog.
See Also:
PreferenceDialog.PreferenceDialog(Shell, PreferenceManager)


public static final 
PreferenceDialog createPropertyDialogOn(
Shell shell,
IAdaptable element,
String propertyPageId,
String[] displayedIds,
Object data)
Creates a workbench preference dialog to a particular preference page. Show the other pages as filtered results using whatever filtering criteria the search uses. It is the responsibility of the caller to then call open(). The call to open() will not return until the dialog closes, so this is the last chance to manipulate the dialog.

shell - The shell to use to parent the dialog if required.
propertyPageId - The identifier of the preference page to open; may be null. If it is null, then the dialog is opened with no selected page.
element - IAdaptable An adaptable element to open the dialog on.
displayedIds - The ids of the other pages to be displayed using the same filtering criterea as search. If this is null, then the all preference pages are shown.
data - Data that will be passed to all of the preference pages to be applied as specified within the page as they are created. If the data is null nothing will be called.
A preference dialog showing properties for the selection or null if it could not be created.


public static final 
PreferenceDialog createPreferenceDialogOn(
Shell shell,
String preferencePageId,
String[] displayedIds,
Object data,
                                                              int options)
Creates a workbench preference dialog and selects particular preference page. If there is already a preference dialog open this dialog is used and its selection is set to the page with id preferencePageId. Show the other pages as filtered results using whatever filtering criteria the search uses. It is the responsibility of the caller to then call open(). The call to open() will not return until the dialog closes, so this is the last chance to manipulate the dialog.

shell - The Shell to parent the dialog off of if it is not already created. May be null in which case the active workbench window will be used if available.
preferencePageId - The identifier of the preference page to open; may be null. If it is null, then the preference page is not selected or modified in any way.
displayedIds - The ids of the other pages to be displayed using the same filtering criterea as search. If this is null, then the all preference pages are shown.
data - Data that will be passed to all of the preference pages to be applied as specified within the page as they are created. If the data is null nothing will be called.
options - a bitwise OR of option constants
a preference dialog.
See Also:
PreferenceDialog.PreferenceDialog(Shell, PreferenceManager)


public static final 
PreferenceDialog createPropertyDialogOn(
Shell shell,
IAdaptable element,
String propertyPageId,
String[] displayedIds,
Object data,
                                                            int options)
Creates a workbench preference dialog to a particular preference page. Show the other pages as filtered results using whatever filtering criteria the search uses. It is the responsibility of the caller to then call open(). The call to open() will not return until the dialog closes, so this is the last chance to manipulate the dialog.

shell - The shell to use to parent the dialog if required.
propertyPageId - The identifier of the preference page to open; may be null. If it is null, then the dialog is opened with no selected page.
element - IAdaptable An adaptable element to open the dialog on.
displayedIds - The ids of the other pages to be displayed using the same filtering criterea as search. If this is null, then the all preference pages are shown.
data - Data that will be passed to all of the preference pages to be applied as specified within the page as they are created. If the data is null nothing will be called.
options - a bitwise OR of option constants
A preference dialog showing properties for the selection or null if it could not be created.


public static boolean hasPropertiesContributors(
Object element)
Indicates whether the specified element has at least one property page contributor.

element - an adapter element of a property page
true for having at least one contributor; false otherwise


public static 
IPreferenceNode[] propertiesContributorsFor(
Object element)
Return all of the properties page contributors for an element.

element -

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire