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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class Reconciler

  extended by 

      extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IReconciler, IReconcilerExtension

public class Reconciler
extends AbstractReconciler
implements IReconcilerExtension

Standard implementation of IReconciler. The reconciler is configured with a set of reconciling strategies each of which is responsible for a particular content type.

Usually, clients instantiate this class and configure it before using it.

See Also:
IDocumentListener, ITextInputListener, DirtyRegion

Constructor Summary
Reconciler ()
          Creates a new reconciler with the following configuration: it is an incremental reconciler with a standard delay of 500 milliseconds.
Method Summary
  String getDocumentPartitioning ()
          Returns the partitioning this reconciler is using.
  IReconcilingStrategy getReconcilingStrategy ( String contentType)
          Returns the reconciling strategy registered with the reconciler for the specified content type.
protected  void initialProcess ()
          This method is called on startup of the background activity.
protected  void process ( DirtyRegion dirtyRegion)
          Processes a dirty region.
protected  void reconcilerDocumentChanged ( IDocument document)
          Hook called when the document whose contents should be reconciled has been changed, i.e., the input document of the text viewer this reconciler is installed on.
 void setDocumentPartitioning ( String partitioning)
          Sets the document partitioning for this reconciler.
 void setProgressMonitor ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Sets the progress monitor of this reconciler.
 void setReconcilingStrategy ( IReconcilingStrategy strategy, String contentType)
          Registers a given reconciling strategy for a particular content type.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler. AbstractReconciler
aboutToBeReconciled, forceReconciling, getDocument, getProgressMonitor, getTextViewer, install, isIncrementalReconciler, isRunningInReconcilerThread, reconcilerReset, setDelay, setIsAllowedToModifyDocument, setIsIncrementalReconciler, startReconciling, uninstall
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Reconciler()
Creates a new reconciler with the following configuration: it is an incremental reconciler with a standard delay of 500 milliseconds. There are no predefined reconciling strategies. The partitioning it uses is the default partitioning IDocumentExtension3.DEFAULT_PARTITIONING.

Method Detail


public void setDocumentPartitioning(
String partitioning)
Sets the document partitioning for this reconciler.

partitioning - the document partitioning for this reconciler


String getDocumentPartitioning()
Description copied from interface: IReconcilerExtension
Returns the partitioning this reconciler is using.

Specified by:
getDocumentPartitioning in interface IReconcilerExtension
the partitioning this reconciler is using


public void setReconcilingStrategy(
IReconcilingStrategy strategy,
String contentType)
Registers a given reconciling strategy for a particular content type. If there is already a strategy registered for this type, the new strategy is registered instead of the old one.

strategy - the reconciling strategy to register, or null to remove an existing one
contentType - the content type under which to register


IReconcilingStrategy getReconcilingStrategy(
String contentType)
Description copied from interface: IReconciler
Returns the reconciling strategy registered with the reconciler for the specified content type.

Specified by:
getReconcilingStrategy in interface IReconciler
contentType - the content type for which to determine the reconciling strategy
the reconciling strategy registered for the given content type, or null if there is no such strategy


protected void process(
DirtyRegion dirtyRegion)
Processes a dirty region. If the dirty region is null the whole document is consider being dirty. The dirty region is partitioned by the document and each partition is handed over to a reconciling strategy registered for the partition's content type.

Specified by:
process in class AbstractReconciler
dirtyRegion - the dirty region to be processed
See Also:


protected void reconcilerDocumentChanged(
IDocument document)
Description copied from class: AbstractReconciler
Hook called when the document whose contents should be reconciled has been changed, i.e., the input document of the text viewer this reconciler is installed on. Usually, subclasses use this hook to inform all their reconciling strategies about the change.

Specified by:
reconcilerDocumentChanged in class AbstractReconciler
document - the new reconciler document


public void setProgressMonitor(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Description copied from class: AbstractReconciler
Sets the progress monitor of this reconciler.

setProgressMonitor in class AbstractReconciler
monitor - the monitor to be used


protected void initialProcess()
Description copied from class: AbstractReconciler
This method is called on startup of the background activity. It is called only once during the life time of the reconciler. Clients may reimplement this method.

initialProcess in class AbstractReconciler

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire