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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.debug.core.commands

Provides a set of interfaces for common debug commands.


Interface Summary
IDebugCommandHandler Handles a command for a debugger.
IDebugCommandRequest A request to execute a command on specific elements.
IDisconnectHandler A disconnect handler disconnects the debug user interface from a debug session.
IDropToFrameHandler A drop to frame handler typically resets a program's instruction pointer to the first executable line of code associated with a stack frame.
IEnabledStateRequest A request to update the enabled state of a command.
IResumeHandler A resume handler typically resumes execution of a suspended thread or target.
IStepFiltersHandler A step filters handler typically toggles the use of step filters in a debug session based on the user preference setting.
IStepIntoHandler A step into handler typically steps into the next instruction to be executed.
IStepOverHandler A step over handler typically steps over the next instruction or line of code to be executed.
IStepReturnHandler A step return handler typically steps out of the current method or function that the debugger is suspended in.
ISuspendHandler A suspend handler typically suspends an executing thread or target.
ITerminateHandler A terminate handler typically terminates an executing thread or target.

Package org.eclipse.debug.core.commands Description

Provides a set of interfaces for common debug commands.

Package Specification

This package provides a set interfaces for common debug commands. A debug command represent a debugger function that can be enabled or disabled and executed. The debug platform provides actions corresponding to the common debug commands. The actions delegate to the command handler interfaces to determine enabled state and execute.

A debugger implementation can provide its own implementation of a command by implementing a command handler interface directly, or by registering an adapter that implements the command handler interface. The debug platform's actions update enabled state and execute based on the active debug context. The debug platform provides implementations of handlers for the common debug commands for debuggers that are an implementation of the standard debug model. For example, the debug platform registers an IStepOverHandler adapter for implementations of IStep.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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