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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IExtension
org.eclipse.core.runtime Provides support for the runtime platform, core utility methods and the extension registry. 
org.eclipse.core.runtime.dynamichelpers Provides helpers to facilitate the authoring of dynamic plug-ins. Provides basic support for managing Team providers. 

Uses of IExtension in org.eclipse.core.runtime

Methods in org.eclipse.core.runtime that return IExtension
  IExtension IConfigurationElement. getDeclaringExtension ()
          Returns the extension that declares this configuration element.
  IExtension IExtensionDelta. getExtension ()
          Returns the affected extension.
  IExtension IPluginDescriptor. getExtension ( String extensionName)
          Deprecated. Use
     Platform.getExtensionRegistry().getExtension(id + "." + extensionName) 
where id is the plug-in id.
  IExtension IExtensionRegistry. getExtension ( String extensionId)
          Returns the specified extension in this extension registry, or null if there is no such extension.
  IExtension IExtensionPoint. getExtension ( String extensionId)
          Returns the extension with the given unique identifier configured into this extension point, or null if there is no such extension.
  IExtension IPluginRegistry. getExtension ( String extensionPointId, String extensionId)
          Deprecated. Replaced by IExtensionRegistry.getExtension(String, String).
  IExtension IExtensionRegistry. getExtension ( String extensionPointId, String extensionId)
          Returns the specified extension in this extension registry, or null if there is no such extension.
  IExtension IPluginRegistry. getExtension ( String pluginId, String extensionPointName, String extensionId)
          Deprecated. Replaced by IExtensionRegistry.getExtension(String, String, String).
  IExtension IExtensionRegistry. getExtension ( String namespace, String extensionPointName, String extensionId)
          Returns the specified extension in this extension registry, or null if there is no such extension.
  IExtension[] IPluginDescriptor. getExtensions ()
          Deprecated. Use
where id is the plug-in id.
  IExtension[] IExtensionPoint. getExtensions ()
          Returns all extensions configured into this extension point.
  IExtension[] IExtensionRegistry. getExtensions ( IContributor contributor)
          Returns all extensions supplied by the contributor, or null if there are no such extensions.
  IExtension[] IExtensionRegistry. getExtensions ( String namespace)
          Returns all extensions declared in the given namespace.

Methods in org.eclipse.core.runtime with parameters of type IExtension
 void IRegistryEventListener. added ( IExtension[] extensions)
          Notifies this listener that extensions were added to the registry.
 void IRegistryEventListener. removed ( IExtension[] extensions)
          Notifies this listener that extensions were removed from the registry.
 boolean IExtensionRegistry. removeExtension ( IExtension extension, Object token)
          Removes the given extension from this registry.

Uses of IExtension in org.eclipse.core.runtime.dynamichelpers

Methods in org.eclipse.core.runtime.dynamichelpers with parameters of type IExtension
 void IExtensionChangeHandler. addExtension ( IExtensionTracker tracker, IExtension extension)
          This method is called whenever an extension conforming to the extension point filter is being added to the registry.
protected  void ExtensionTracker. applyAdd ( IExtensionChangeHandler handler, IExtension extension)
protected  void ExtensionTracker. applyRemove ( IExtensionChangeHandler handler, IExtension removedExtension, Object[] removedObjects)
  Object[] IExtensionTracker. getObjects ( IExtension extension)
          Return all the objects that have been associated with the given extension.
  Object[] ExtensionTracker. getObjects ( IExtension element)
 void IExtensionTracker. registerObject ( IExtension extension, Object object, int referenceType)
          Create an association between the given extension and the given object.
 void ExtensionTracker. registerObject ( IExtension element, Object object, int referenceType)
 void IExtensionChangeHandler. removeExtension ( IExtension extension, Object[] objects)
          This method is called after the removal of an extension.
  Object[] IExtensionTracker. unregisterObject ( IExtension extension)
          Remove all the objects associated with the given extension.
  Object[] ExtensionTracker. unregisterObject ( IExtension extension)
 void IExtensionTracker. unregisterObject ( IExtension extension, Object object)
          Remove an association between the given extension and the given object.
 void ExtensionTracker. unregisterObject ( IExtension extension, Object object)

Uses of IExtension in

Methods in with parameters of type IExtension
static  ImageDescriptor TeamImages. getImageDescriptorFromExtension ( IExtension extension, String subdirectoryAndFilename)
          Convenience method to get an image descriptor for an extension.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire