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Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Interface DeclaredType

All Superinterfaces:
ReferenceType, TypeMirror
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnnotationType, ClassType, EnumType, InterfaceType

public interface DeclaredType
extends ReferenceType

Represents a declared type, either a class type or an interface type. This includes parameterized types such as java.util.Set<String> as well as raw types.

While a TypeDeclaration represents the declaration of a class or interface, a DeclaredType represents a class or interface type, the latter being a use of the former. See TypeDeclaration for more on this distinction.

A DeclaredType may represent a type for which details (declaration, supertypes, etc.) are unknown. This may be the result of a processing error, such as a missing class file, and is indicated by getDeclaration() returning null. Other method invocations on such an unknown type will not, in general, return meaningful results.


Method Summary
  Collection< TypeMirror> getActualTypeArguments ()
          Returns (in order) the actual type arguments of this type.
  DeclaredType getContainingType ()
          Returns the type that contains this type as a member.
  TypeDeclaration getDeclaration ()
          Returns the declaration of this type.
  Collection< InterfaceType> getSuperinterfaces ()
          Returns the interface types that are direct supertypes of this type.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.mirror.type. TypeMirror
accept, equals, toString

Method Detail


TypeDeclaration getDeclaration()
Returns the declaration of this type.

Returns null if this type's declaration is unknown. This may be the result of a processing error, such as a missing class file.

the declaration of this type, or null if unknown


DeclaredType getContainingType()
Returns the type that contains this type as a member. Returns null if this is a top-level type.

For example, the containing type of O.I<S> is the type O, and the containing type of O<T>.I<S> is the type O<T>.

the type that contains this type, or null if this is a top-level type


TypeMirror> getActualTypeArguments()
Returns (in order) the actual type arguments of this type. For a generic type nested within another generic type (such as Outer<String>.Inner<Number>), only the type arguments of the innermost type are included.

the actual type arguments of this type, or an empty collection if there are none


InterfaceType> getSuperinterfaces()
Returns the interface types that are direct supertypes of this type. These are the interface types implemented or extended by this type's declaration, with any type arguments substituted in.

For example, the interface type extended by java.util.Set<String> is java.util.Collection<String>.

the interface types that are direct supertypes of this type, or an empty collection if there are none

Eclipse JDT
Release 3.5

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire