JDT UI (org.eclipse.jdt.ui) is the plug-in implementing the Java specific user interface
classes that manipulate Java elements. The packages in the JDT UI implement
the Java-specific extensions to the workbench. The JDT UI
packages include:
org.eclipse.jdt.ui - provides support classes for presenting Java
elements in the user interface. This package exposes constants for retrieving
Java user interface parts from the workbench registry and for retrieving preference
settings from the Java preferences. Programming interfaces
IPackagesViewPart are provided for interacting with Java views.
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions- provides actions and action groups to populate tool bars, global menu
bars and context menus with JDT specific functionality. You should use action
groups to populate menus and tool bars instead of adding actions directly.
This shields you from missing newly added actions or from using outdated menu
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanup - provides the interfaces and classes that are needed to contribute a code clean up via org.eclipse.jdt.ui.cleanUps extension point.
org.eclipse.jdt.ui.dialogs - provides classes and interfaces
to access and extend JDT dialogs, in particular the 'open type' dialog.