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Interface IClipboardSupport

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClipboardSupport, AbstractClipboardSupport

public interface IClipboardSupport

An interface to be implemented by EMF metamodel providers to inject metamodel-specific semantics into copy/paste operations. Basically it has hints (e.g., what to do when pasted elements collide, what related elements should always be copied together, etc.) that helps the framework to make decisions. For maximal flexibility, it is even possible to override the paste operstion altogether.

This interface is intended to be implemented by plug-ins on the clipboardSupport extension point. See the AbstractClipboardSupport for a convenient superclass for your implementation.

See Also:

Method Summary
 boolean canContain (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject container, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference reference, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass containedType)
          Queries whether an object can contain an object of a given type in a specified containment reference.
 void destroy (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
          Destroys an eObject, to ensure that it no longer exists in its containing resource.
 java.util.Collection getExcludedCopyObjects (java.util.Set eObjects)
          Queries whether any of a set of EObjects, or any objects contained in their sub-trees, should be excluded altogether from the copy operation.
 java.lang.String getName (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
          Obtains the "name" of an element, if the metamodel supports the concept of naming elements and this eObject has a name.
  OverridePasteChildOperation getOverrideChildPasteOperation ( PasteChildOperation overriddenChildPasteOperation)
          Obtains an override for the specified paste operation.
  OverrideCopyOperation getOverrideCopyOperation ( CopyOperation overriddenCopyOperation)
          Obtains an override for the specified copy operation.
  PasteAction getPasteCollisionAction (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
          Queries what to do when a paste collision occurs on instances of a particular metaclass.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource getResource (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
          Obtains the resource containing an eObject or, if the eObject is to be copied but is not attached to a resource, the resource containing some related element that the detached eObject would otherwise have been in.
 boolean hasPasteOption (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature, PasteOption pasteOption)
          Queries whether a feature supports a particular paste option.
 boolean isCopyAlways (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference eReference, java.lang.Object value)
          Queries whether a reference needs to be copied even though the referenced element was not specifically included in the copy request.
 boolean isNameable (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
          Queries whether an eObject's metamodel supports the concept of "naming" the eObject.
 void performPostPasteProcessing (java.util.Set pastedEObjects)
          Performs what is necessary by the target paste model for the newly pasted elements This because we disable the semantic procedures, and they used to handle migration of profiles. now this function will end up doing that.
 void sendCreateNotification (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
          Sends a notification that an eObject was created in its host editing domain.
 void setName (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject, java.lang.String name)
          Sets the "name" of an element, if the metamodel supports the concept of naming elements and this eObject is nameable.
 boolean shouldOverrideChildPasteOperation (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject parentElement, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject childEObject)
          Queries whether it is necessary to completely override the default paste behaviour for pasting the specified (contained) child object into its parent.
 boolean shouldOverrideCopyOperation (java.util.Collection eObjects, java.util.Map hintMap)
          Queries whether it is necessary to completely override the default copy behaviour for copying the specified objects.
 boolean shouldSaveContainmentFeature (org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
          Queries whether an eObject should have a reference to the corresponding original element save along with a record of the original containment feature.

Method Detail


PasteAction getPasteCollisionAction(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass)
Queries what to do when a paste collision occurs on instances of a particular metaclass.

eClass - the metaclass in question
one of the enumerated paste actions


boolean hasPasteOption(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context,
                       org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature,
PasteOption pasteOption)
Queries whether a feature supports a particular paste option.

context - and object being copied or pasted
eStructuralFeature - a feature of the contextEObject
pasteOption - the paste option to query
boolean whether the paste option is supported on this feature


boolean isCopyAlways(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject context,
                     org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference eReference,
                     java.lang.Object value)
Queries whether a reference needs to be copied even though the referenced element was not specifically included in the copy request. It is recommended, though not required, that in general:
  • containment references should always be copied
  • transient or derived references should not be copied

context - an object being copied that owns the reference
eReference - the reference being to query
value - the object(s) referenced by the eReference. It is either an EObject or a collection of EObjects, according to the multiplicity of the reference
boolean whether the value must also be copied


boolean shouldOverrideChildPasteOperation(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject parentElement,
                                          org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject childEObject)
Queries whether it is necessary to completely override the default paste behaviour for pasting the specified (contained) child object into its parent.

parentElement - the target element into which a child is to be pasted
childEObject - the child element to be pasted
boolean true if we want to completely override the paste operation for this child; false, otherwise


boolean shouldOverrideCopyOperation(java.util.Collection eObjects,
                                    java.util.Map hintMap)
Queries whether it is necessary to completely override the default copy behaviour for copying the specified objects.

eObjects - a collection of EObjects to be pasted
hintMap - the copy hints provided by the client of the current copy operation
boolean true if we want to completely override the copy operation for these objects; false, otherwise


OverridePasteChildOperation getOverrideChildPasteOperation(
PasteChildOperation overriddenChildPasteOperation)
Obtains an override for the specified paste operation. This method is called immediately after shouldOverrideChildPasteOperation(EObject, EObject), and then only if the latter returned true.

overriddenChildPasteOperation - the paste operation to override
the overriding paste operation, or null if it is not appropriate to override (only in the case that shouldOverrideChildPasteOperation() was false)
See Also:
shouldOverrideChildPasteOperation(EObject, EObject)


OverrideCopyOperation getOverrideCopyOperation(
CopyOperation overriddenCopyOperation)
Obtains an override for the specified copy operation. This method is called immediately after shouldOverrideCopyOperation(Collection, Map), and then only if the latter returned true.

overriddenCopyOperation - the copy operation to override
the overriding copy operation, or null if it is not appropriate to override (only in the case that shouldOverrideCopyOperation() was false)
See Also:
shouldOverrideChildPasteOperation(EObject, EObject)


java.util.Collection getExcludedCopyObjects(java.util.Set eObjects)
Queries whether any of a set of EObjects, or any objects contained in their sub-trees, should be excluded altogether from the copy operation. These objects will not be copied. It is up to the receiver to explicitly search the eObjects recursively for exclusions.

eObjects - the objects considered for copying
collection of object that we should not copy, or empty if none


org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.XMLResource getResource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
Obtains the resource containing an eObject or, if the eObject is to be copied but is not attached to a resource, the resource containing some related element that the detached eObject would otherwise have been in.

eObject - the object for which we need the associated resource
the containing resource or, if the eObject is detached, some resource from which it is reachable via some other attached object


boolean shouldSaveContainmentFeature(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
Queries whether an eObject should have a reference to the corresponding original element save along with a record of the original containment feature. All original top-level copy objects must have this information saved. As for their children (recursively), it is optional.

eObject - the eObject to query whether the containment feature should be saved
whether that feature information should be saved


void performPostPasteProcessing(java.util.Set pastedEObjects)
Performs what is necessary by the target paste model for the newly pasted elements This because we disable the semantic procedures, and they used to handle migration of profiles. now this function will end up doing that.

pastedEObjects - the pasted objects to process


boolean isNameable(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
Queries whether an eObject's metamodel supports the concept of "naming" the eObject. The "name" of an element may be assigned to copies with an adornment (e.g., "Copy of " as done by a certain well-known file system).

eObject - an EObject
whether the eObject supports a "name" of some kind
See Also:
getName(EObject), setName(EObject, String)


java.lang.String getName(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
Obtains the "name" of an element, if the metamodel supports the concept of naming elements and this eObject has a name.

eObject - an element
the element's "name" if it has any, or null if not
See Also:


void setName(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject,
             java.lang.String name)
Sets the "name" of an element, if the metamodel supports the concept of naming elements and this eObject is nameable.

eObject - an element
name - the element's new "name", or null to clear it
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the eObject is not nameable
See Also:


void destroy(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
Destroys an eObject, to ensure that it no longer exists in its containing resource. At a minimum, this method must remove the eObject from its container. It may also do more, such as cleaning up references to the eObject.

eObject - the object to be destroyed


void sendCreateNotification(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject eObject)
Sends a notification that an eObject was created in its host editing domain. This is an optional operation, for those applications that support the "create" notification type that is currently deprecated in EMF.

eObject - an object newly created in the editing domain


boolean canContain(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject container,
                   org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference reference,
                   org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass containedType)
Queries whether an object can contain an object of a given type in a specified containment reference. The containment conditions may be stricter than merely conformance to the declared type of the containment reference.

container - a prospective containing object
reference - the containment reference to check
containedType - the type of the prospective contained object
true if an element of the specified type is permitted to be contained as indicated; false, otherwise


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