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Eclipse GMF Guide
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Provides a set of classes that implement a Service that provides an extensible way to handle commonly used (global) actions in different views and editors.


Interface Summary
IGlobalActionContext Interface that is passed to the IGlobalActionHandler.
IGlobalActionHandler Interface that needs to implemented by the IGlobalActionHandlerProvider
IGlobalActionHandlerContext Interface for accessing the attributes used to determine the IGlobalActionHandler.
IGlobalActionHandlerProvider Interface that needs to be implemented by the client who provides a IGlobalActionHandler

Class Summary
AbstractGlobalActionHandler The abstract parent of all concrete global action handlers.
AbstractGlobalActionHandlerProvider The abstract parent of all concrete global action handler providers.
GetGlobalActionHandlerOperation An operation that gets the IGlobalActionHandler associated with the IGlobalActionHandlerContext from the IGlobalActionHandlerProvider
GlobalActionContext Implementation class for the interface IGlobalActionContext
GlobalActionHandlerContext The class used to create a IGlobalActionHandlerContext object.
GlobalActionHandlerOperation The abstract parent of all global action handler operations.
GlobalActionHandlerService A service that provides the IGlobalActionHandler associated with a IGlobalActionHandlerContext.
GlobalActionHandlerService.ProviderDescriptor A descriptor for IGlobalActionHandlerProvider defined by a configuration element.
IGlobalActionHandlerProvider.NullElementType Describes the element type when no element type is associated with a global action handler provider.

Package Description

Provides a set of classes that implement a Service that provides an extensible way to handle commonly used (global) actions in different views and editors. When a GlobalAction is registered as the action handler for a retargetable action in a given workbench part, the GlobalActionHandlerService is consulted to do the real work in running the action. The service allows different handlers to be used depending on the nature of the element(s) selected in the workbench part.

Global actions are action handlers for Eclipse retargetable actions. The real action handler work is delegated to the IGlobalActionHandlers provided by the GlobalActionHandlerService for the active workbench part.

In order to contribute global action handlers to the service, clients should use the extension point. The provider implementation specified in the extension point should subclass the AbstractGlobalActionHandlerProvider class in this package.

Modeling platform global action handlers should subclass the AbstractGlobalActionHandler class.


Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) IBM Corp., Borland Software Corp., and others 2005,2006. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire