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Eclipse GEF

Interface AccessibleAnchorProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConnectionEditPart.DefaultAccessibleAnchorProvider, AbstractGraphicalEditPart.DefaultAccessibleAnchorProvider

public interface AccessibleAnchorProvider

This class provides keyboard accessibility support for Anchors. Anchors are simply locations (relative to the Viewer's Control) on the GraphicalEditPart's figure indicated by Points. Anchors are used when creating or manipulating connections graphically. Accessible Anchors are the locations that should be used during keyboard connection manipulation.

Keyboard connection manipulation moves the Mouse cursor programmatically to the AccessibleAnchor's location. Targeting is still performed as if the User were using the Mouse and not the keyboard. Therefore, the GraphicalEditPart should provide locations that will result in its being targeted by the current tool.

Connection operations involves either the source or target end of a connection. The AccessibleAnchorProvider has the option of returning different locations depending on the context of the operatation.

Method Summary
 java.util.List getSourceAnchorLocations ()
          Returns a list of Points in absolute coordinates where source anchors are located.
 java.util.List getTargetAnchorLocations ()
          Returns a list of Points in absolute coordinates where target anchors are located.

Method Detail


public java.util.List getSourceAnchorLocations()
Returns a list of Points in absolute coordinates where source anchors are located. Tools that work with connections should use these locations when operating in accesible keyboard modes.

A list of absolute locations (Points relative to the Viewer's Control)


public java.util.List getTargetAnchorLocations()
Returns a list of Points in absolute coordinates where target anchors are located. Tools that work with connections should use these locations when operating in accesible keyboard modes.

A list of absolute locations (Points relative to the Viewer's Control)

Eclipse GEF

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire