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Interface InternalTransactionalEditingDomain

All Superinterfaces:
EditingDomain, TransactionalEditingDomain
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface InternalTransactionalEditingDomain
extends TransactionalEditingDomain

Internal interface that must be provided by any implementation of the public TransactionalEditingDomain API, in order to function correctly in the transactional editing domain framework.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction. TransactionalEditingDomain
TransactionalEditingDomain.DefaultOptions, TransactionalEditingDomain.Factory, TransactionalEditingDomain.Lifecycle, TransactionalEditingDomain.Registry
Method Summary
 void activate ( InternalTransaction tx)
          Activates (starts) the specified transaction.
 void broadcastUnbatched ( Notification notification)
          Broadcasts the specified notification to listeners as a singleton list, in a situation where batching is not possible because events are occurring outside of any transaction context.
 void deactivate ( InternalTransaction tx)
          Deactivates the specified transaction.
 void endPrivileged ( PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
          Returns me to my previous owner, upon completion of the specified privileged runnable.
  InternalTransaction getActiveTransaction ()
          Obtains the transaction that currently has access to me, and whose thread of execution is active.
  TransactionChangeRecorder getChangeRecorder ()
          Obtains the change recorder that I use to track changes in my resource set.
  Map< Object, Object> getUndoRedoOptions ()
          Retrieves the undo/redo options that should be used when creating transactions.
  TransactionValidator getValidator ()
          Gets the validator that transactions should use to validate themselves upon committing.
 void precommit ( InternalTransaction tx)
          Performs the pre-commit notifications and processing of trigger comamnds.
 void startPrivileged ( PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
          Transfers ownership of this editing domain to the specified privileged runnable.
  InternalTransaction startTransaction (boolean readOnly, Map<?,?> options)
          Creates and starts a new transaction.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction. TransactionalEditingDomain
addResourceSetListener, createPrivilegedRunnable, dispose, getID, removeResourceSetListener, runExclusive, setID, yield
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain. EditingDomain
createCommand, createOverrideCommand, createResource, getChildren, getClipboard, getCommandStack, getNewChildDescriptors, getOptimizeCopy, getParent, getResourceSet, getRoot, getTreePath, isControllable, isReadOnly, loadResource, setClipboard, treeIterator

Method Detail


InternalTransaction startTransaction(boolean readOnly,
Map<?,?> options)
Creates and starts a new transaction. The current thread is blocked until I grant it exclusive access to my resource set.

readOnly - true if the transaction is intended only to read the resource set; false if it will modify it
options - the options to apply to the transaction (as specified by the TransactionalCommandStack interface
the newly started transaction
InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted while waiting for the transaction to start
IllegalArgumentException - if the current thread does not own the transaction that it wants to start or if it is attempting to start a transaction in an inappropriate context
See Also:


InternalTransaction getActiveTransaction()
Obtains the transaction that currently has access to me, and whose thread of execution is active.

my active transaction, or null if no transaction is currently active


void activate(
InternalTransaction tx)
Activates (starts) the specified transaction. The current thread is blocked until the transaction is activated, at which point it will be my active transaction until it either yields (in the case of a read-only transaction) or closes.

Note that only the thread that owns a transaction may activate it. Also, a nested read-write transaction cannot be activated if its parent transaction is read-only, unless the read-write transaction has the 'unprotected' option.

tx - the transaction to activate
InterruptedException - if the current thread is interrupted while waiting for me to activate its transaction
IllegalArgumentException - if the current thread does not own the transaction that it wants to activate or if it is attempting to activate a transaction in an inappropriate context
See Also:
getActiveTransaction(), TransactionalEditingDomain.yield(), startTransaction(boolean, Map), deactivate(InternalTransaction)


void precommit(
InternalTransaction tx)
Performs the pre-commit notifications and processing of trigger comamnds. This method must be called at the beginning of the commit of a read/write transaction (not a read-only transaction), unless it has the 'no triggers' option.

tx - the transaction that is being committed
RollbackException - if any of the pre-commit listeners forces rollback of the transaction. The caller must honour this rollback request by actually rolling back the transaction
See Also:
Transaction.commit(), Transaction.rollback(), ResourceSetListener.transactionAboutToCommit(org.eclipse.emf.transaction.ResourceSetChangeEvent)


void deactivate(
InternalTransaction tx)
Deactivates the specified transaction. After this method completes, the transaction is no longer my active transaction.

The current thread must own the transaction that it is attempting to deactivate and this transaction must currently be my active transaction.

Note that a transaction must ensure that this method is called when it closes, either by commit or by rollback, and at most once.

tx - the transaction to deactivate
IllegalArgumentException - if either the transaction is not the active transaction, or the current thread does not own it
See Also:
activate(InternalTransaction), Transaction.commit(), Transaction.rollback()


TransactionChangeRecorder getChangeRecorder()
Obtains the change recorder that I use to track changes in my resource set. Transactions are expected to use this change recorder as follows:

my change recorder


TransactionValidator getValidator()
Gets the validator that transactions should use to validate themselves upon committing. A transaction must ask the validator to validate after performing the pre-commit phase (if needed), unless it has the 'no validation' option.

my transaction validator


void broadcastUnbatched(
Notification notification)
Broadcasts the specified notification to listeners as a singleton list, in a situation where batching is not possible because events are occurring outside of any transaction context. This can only occur in the case of read notifications.

notification - the notification to send to resource set listeners
See Also:
NotificationFilter.READ, ResourceSetListener, FilterManager.selectUnbatched(java.util.List, NotificationFilter)


Object> getUndoRedoOptions()
Retrieves the undo/redo options that should be used when creating transactions.

A map with undo/redo options.


void startPrivileged(
PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
Transfers ownership of this editing domain to the specified privileged runnable.

runnable - the runnable whose thread is to borrow me


void endPrivileged(
PrivilegedRunnable<?> runnable)
Returns me to my previous owner, upon completion of the specified privileged runnable.

runnable - the runnable whose thread had borrowed me

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