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Interface ResourceSetListener.Internal

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, ResourceSetListener
All Known Implementing Classes:
DemultiplexingListener, ResourceSetListenerImpl, TriggerListener
Enclosing interface:

public static interface ResourceSetListener.Internal
extends ResourceSetListener

An interface for communication of internal life-cycle events to the listener. These call-backs do not have anything to do with the state of the resource set, but rather inform the listeners of changes in its own state. This interface is optional; listeners should implement it only if they need the additional notifications.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction. ResourceSetListener
Method Summary
 void setTarget ( TransactionalEditingDomain domain)
          Informs me that I have been attached to the specified editing domain.
 void unsetTarget ( TransactionalEditingDomain domain)
          Informs me that I have been detached from the specified editing domain.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.transaction. ResourceSetListener
getFilter, isAggregatePrecommitListener, isPostcommitOnly, isPrecommitOnly, resourceSetChanged, transactionAboutToCommit

Method Detail


void setTarget(
TransactionalEditingDomain domain)
Informs me that I have been attached to the specified editing domain. This is particularly useful for listeners that are statically registered, as it effectively signals the creation of the editing domain.

domain - an editing domain to which I have been attached. Note that nothing precludes the addition of a listener to more than one editing domain


void unsetTarget(
TransactionalEditingDomain domain)
Informs me that I have been detached from the specified editing domain. This is a good opportunity for me, perhaps, to clean up any cached data that pertains to this domain.

domain - an editing domain from which I have been detached. Note that I may very will still be attached to other domains than this

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