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Eclipse Data Tools Platform Guide
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SQL Files/Scrapbooks Preferences

SQL files and scrapbooks preferences define the behavior of SQL files in SQL File Editor and SQL Scrapbook.

Table 1. SQL Files/Scrapbooks preferences
Field Description
Default Connection Information for New SQL Files/Scrapbooks Select a connection type, connection profile name, and database to use by default in new SQL File Editor or SQL Scrapbook sessions.
Persist the Target Connection Information When Executing Multiple SQL Files Use the same target connection information for multiple files.
Connection Commit Mode
  • Select Auto (default) to automatically commit your changes to the database. Auto treats every SQL statement as a complete transaction. You cannot roll back changes. Auto commit mode works well for query-only applications.
  • Select Manual to commit database changes manually. Statements executed on the same connection from the latest commit or rollback up to this point are treated as one transaction. You can roll back (cancel) all changes made during the transaction.

    You set the maximum number of connections in the Database Development Miscellaneous preferences page. Use Manual commit mode for applications that require data source updates.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire