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Eclipse C/C++ Developer Guide
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Debug view

The Debug view shows the target debugging information in a tree hierarchy.

Debug view

The number beside the thread label is a reference counter, not a thread identification number (TID).

The CDT displays stack frames as child elements. It displays the reason for the suspension beside the thread, (such as end of stepping range, breakpoint hit, and signal received). When a program exits, the exit code is displayed.

The icons that appear in the Debug view include:

Session item Description
Launch instance icon
Launch instance Launch configuration name and launch type
Icon: Debugger  Debugger instance icon
Debugger instance Debugger name and state
Icon: Thread; suspended  Icon: Thread; running  Icon: Thread; stopped
Thread instance Thread number and state
Stack frame instance icon
Stack frame instance Stack frame number, function, file name, and file line number

In addition to controlling the individual stepping of your programs, you can also control the debug session. You can perform actions such as terminating the session and stopping the program by using the debug launch controls available from Debug view.

Action Description
Remove all Terminated launches icon
Remove All Terminated Launches Clears all terminated processes in Debug view
Restart icon
Restart Starts a new debug session for the selected process
Resume icon
Resume Select the Resume command to resume execution of the currently suspended debug target.
Suspend icon
Suspend Select the Suspend command to halt execution of the currently selected thread in a debug target.
Terminate icon
Terminate Ends the selected debug session and/or process. The impact of this action depends on the type of the item selected in the Debug view.
Disconnect icon
Disconnect Detaches the debugger from the selected process (useful for debugging attached processes).
Step Into icon
Step Into Select to execute the current line, including any routines, and proceed to the next statement.
Step Over icon
Step Over Select to execute the current line, following execution inside a routine.
Step Return icon
Step Return Select to continue execution to the end of the current routine, then follow execution to the routine’s caller.
Drop to Frame icon
Drop to Frame Select the Drop to Frame command to re-enter the selected stack frame in the Debug view.
Instruction Stepping Mode icon
Instruction Stepping Mode Activate to enable instruction stepping mode to examine a program as it steps into disassembled code.
Use Step Filters icon
Use Step Filters Select the Use Step Filters command to change whether step filters should be used in the Debug view.

Use the Debug view menu to:

  • change the layout of debug view (tree vs. breadcrumb)
  • alternate showing of full or no paths on source files
  • control how views are managed
  • activate or deactivate the child elements shown in the Debug view

Debug view context menu commands

The Debug view context menu commands include:

Icons Name Description
Copy Stack icon
Copy Stack Copies the selected stack of suspended threads as well as the state of the running threads to the clipboard.
Find... Opens the debug view element searching dialog.
Drop to Frame icon
Drop To Frame Select the Drop to Frame command to re-enter the selected stack frame in the Debug view.
Restart icon
Restart Starts a new debug session for the selected process
Step Into icon
Step Into Select to execute the current line, including any routines, and proceed to the next statement.
Step Over icon
Step Over Select to execute the current line, following execution inside a routine.
Step Return icon
Step Return Select to continue execution to the end of the current routine, then follow execution to the routine’s caller.
Instruction Stepping Mode icon
Instruction Stepping Mode Activate to enable instruction stepping mode to examine a program as it steps into disassembled code.
Use Step Filters icon
Use Step Filters Toggles step filters on/off. When on, all step functions apply step filters.
Resume without signal icon
Resume Without Signal Resume program execution after receiving the signal.
Resume icon
Resume Select the Resume command to resume execution of the currently suspended debug target.
Suspend icon
Suspend Select the Suspend command to halt execution of the currently selected thread in a debug target.
Terminate icon
Terminate Ends the selected debug session and/or process. The impact of this action depends on the type of the item selected in the Debug view.
Terminate and Relaunch icon
Terminate and Relaunch Select the Terminate and Relaunch command to terminate the selected debug target and then relaunch it.
Disconnect icon
Disconnect Detaches the debugger from the selected process (useful for debugging attached processes)
Remote all Terminated icon
Remove All Terminated Clears all terminated processes in Debug view
Relaunch icon
Relaunch This command relaunches the selected debug target.
Edit... Opens the launch configuration dialog, allowing you to make changes.
Edit Source Lookup icon
Edit Source Lookup... Opens the source lookup dialog, allowing you to make changes.
Lookup Source Select to force a source lookup to take place.
Terminate and Remove icon
Terminate and Remove Terminates the selected debug target and removes it from the view.
Terminate all icon
Terminate All Terminates all active launches in the view.
Properties Opens the Properties for window showing the process properties.

Related concepts
Debug overview
Debug information

Related tasks

Related reference
Run and Debug dialog box

Debug Breadcrumb

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