Comments are lines in a source file that have been marked to be ignored by the compiler.
Two styles of comments are supported by current C/C++ compilers:
You can quickly comment out one or more lines of code by inserting the leading
characters // at the beginning of the line. To do so, select the line
(or lines) of code you want to comment out and press CTRL+/ (slash).
To uncomment select the line (or lines) of code, and press CTRL+\
Tip: The characters /* */ on lines that are
already commented out, are not affected when you comment and uncomment code.
Multiline comment
You can use the Content Assist feature to insert a multi-line comment before a function.
Type com+Ctrl+Space, and the following code is entered at the cursor location:
* author userid
* To change this generated comment edit the template variable "comment":
* Window > Preferences > C/C++ > Editor > Templates.
To change the default comment click
Window > Preferences > C > Templates. For more information see the
Content Assist section.
Content Assist and code completion
Customizing the C++ editor
Commenting out code
C/C++ editor preferences