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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux.

Chapter 2. Basic Principles of the Tools

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools's C and C++ compilers, macro-assembler, debugger, binary utilities, libraries, and other development tools provide productivity, flexibility, performance, and portability. This chapter begins with a summary of the tools, then describes each tool in more detail.

To use a tool, open your system's terminal shell window and enter the tool's name as a command (gcc, for instance, invokes the compiler. For a summary of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools, refer to Section 2.1 Compiler and Development Tools, Section 2.2 Libraries, and Section 2.3 Auxiliary Development Tools.

To learn about working with the tools, refer to Chapter 3 Developing with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools.

2.1. Compiler and Development Tools

The following lists the main tools for developing projects with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Developer Tools.

cppC preprocessor (refer to Section 2.5 cpp, the GNU Preprocessor; and Using cpp, the C Preprocessor)
diff, diff3, sdiffComparison tools for text files.
gccISO-conforming compiler collection (refer to Section 2.4 gcc, the GNU Compiler Collection and Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC))
g++A frontend to gcc that defaults to interpreting files as being C++ source files even if they look like C source files
gcovCoverage analyzer, for testing code for efficiency and performance, and for use as a profiling tool (refer to Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC))
gdb -nwDebugger for debugging with command line input (refer to Section 2.9 gdb, the Debugging Tool and Debugging with GDB)
gdbDebugger for making applications work better (refer to Debugging with GDB)
ldLinker (refer to Section 2.7 ld, the GNU Linker and Using ld, the Gnu Linker)
makeCompilation control program (refer to Section 2.10 make, the GNU Recompiling Tool)
patchInstallation tool for source fixes

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire