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Extending Eclipse monitoring, profiling, and testing functions
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Porting a recorder into version 4.2 from an earlier version

Recorders that were created in earlier versions of the Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) will still work in version 4.2. However, they cannot take advantage of the new auto-deployment feature. Without making changes, old recorders must still manually deploy recorder JARs to the Agent Controller and cannot use the recorder UI wizard entry point.

The following list of tasks describes the steps required to port earlier versions of recorders to the new Generic Recorder Framework of TPTP 4.2.
  1. You can change your old org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.IRecorderDataProcessor class from an earlier version into an implementation of the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.IRecorderMessageProvider interface. For an example, see org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.http.local.HttpRecorderDataProcessor. The implementation of the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.IRecorderMessageProvider interface enables the data being received from the agent to persist in the recording file. In version 4.2, the processing is now done from the processDataFromDataProcessor().
  2. The executable adapters (org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.remote.RecorderExecutableObjectAdapter and org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.remote.RecorderEnvironmentAdapter) in earlier versions have been combined into the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.AbstractRecorderExecOptions class in version 4.2. You can now extend the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.AbstractRecorderExecOptionsProvider class without having to override the following methods:
    1. getAgentClassPath(): The fully qualified path of the recorder class (extension of the org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.remote.RecorderAgent class)
    2. getVMArgString(): The location where you create JVM arguments, such as debug.
    3. getRecorderJars(): The location where you return a list of JAR files that should be in the class path when the recorder is running on the agent.
    For more information, see the generic recorder extension point documentation.
  3. The Recorder Agent runs on the agent that starts the recorder (proxy in the case of socket). This class extends the org.eclipse.hyades.execution.recorder.remote.RecorderAgent class and must have a main and a run method. This class has not changed from earlier versions.
  4. The implementation of the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.framework.IRecorderClientHelper interface enables any kind of settings to be set for the recorder. Typically, settings can be retrieved from preferences and stored in the recorder. Settings can also be stored is in the implementation of the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.ui.wizards.IRecorderPageProvider interface, which provides the settings to be used by the recorder. Override the preSetup() method to provide these settings.
  5. The implementation of the org.eclipse.tptp.test.provisional.recorder.ui.wizards.IRecorderPageProvider interface can provide default settings to the recorder. For more information, see Creating a new test recorder.

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