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Extending Eclipse monitoring, profiling, and testing functions
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Extending the monitoring, profiling, and testing functions

This guide is intended for developers who extend the monitoring, profiling, and testing functions.

The test and performance tools provide an integrated infrastructure with a number of extensible tools including testing, tracing and profiling, tuning, logging, monitoring analysis, autonomics, and administration tooling.

This programming guide offers some guidelines for extending the test and performance tools through a number of tutorials, samples and reference APIs. Tutorials, Samples and APIs will be continuously added to this guide as the tools themselves evolve.


This guide assumes that you are familiar with Eclipse basics, such as how to contribute an extension, what an IProject is, and so on. Readers who are unfamiliar with these topics should read the Platform Plug-in Developer Guide on the Help web site.

You must also be familiar with the test and performance tools. If not, then read the following guides in the Help Contents:

  • Analyzing source code with static analysis tools
  • Monitoring and profiling applications
  • Testing applications
  • Using the Managed Agent Explorer
  • Working with the Agent Controller

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