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Release 3.0

Interface IRemoteSelectionAddListener

public interface IRemoteSelectionAddListener

This interface is used by the remote object selection dialogs when Add mode is enabled.

This interface allows you to listen generically for selection events on any remote object, and be called when the user selects something or presses. You can use instanceof to decide what was selected.

If you call the enableAddButton method you must pass an object that implements this interface. The dialog will call you back when the user presses the Add button, so you can take appropriate action.

Method Summary
  Object addButtonPressed ( IHost selectedConnection, Object[] selectedObjects)
          The user has pressed the Add button.
  Object okToEnableAddButton ( IHost selectedConnection, Object[] selectedObjects)
          The user has selected a remote object.

Method Detail


Object okToEnableAddButton(
IHost selectedConnection,
Object[] selectedObjects)
The user has selected a remote object. Is this object valid to be added? If so, return null. If not, return a string to display on the message line indicating why it is not valid, such as it already has been added.

selectedConnection - The connection the object was selected in
selectedObjects - Will be a list of objects such as AS400Library or IRemoteFile. They are resolved so that the remote adapter is not required.
A String or SystemMessage object that will be displayed if the action fails, null if the action was successfull


Object addButtonPressed(
IHost selectedConnection,
Object[] selectedObjects)
The user has pressed the Add button. Do something appropriate with the request. If this action fails for some reason, or you wish to display a completion message, return message text that will be displayed in the dialog's message line. Else, return null.

selectedConnection - The connection the object was selected in
selectedObjects - Will be a list of objects such as AS400Library or IRemoteFile. They are resolved so that the remote adapter is not required.
A String or SystemMessage object that will be displayed if the action fails, null if the action was successfull

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire