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Release 3.0

Uses of Class

Packages that use SystemSimpleContentElement

Uses of SystemSimpleContentElement in org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions that return SystemSimpleContentElement
protected abstract   SystemSimpleContentElement SystemBaseCopyAction. getTreeInitialSelection ()
protected abstract   SystemSimpleContentElement SystemBaseCopyAction. getTreeModel ()

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.actions with parameters of type SystemSimpleContentElement
 boolean SystemBaseCopyAction. isValidTargetParent ( SystemSimpleContentElement selectedElement)
          This method is a callback from the select-target-parent dialog, allowing us to decide whether the current selected object is a valid parent object.
 boolean ISystemCopyTargetSelectionCallback. isValidTargetParent ( SystemSimpleContentElement selectedElement)
          This method is a callback from the select-target-parent dialog, allowing us to decide whether the current selected object is a valid parent object.

Uses of SystemSimpleContentElement in org.eclipse.rse.ui.dialogs

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.dialogs that return SystemSimpleContentElement
  SystemSimpleContentElement[] SystemSimpleContentElement. getChildren ()
          Return the child elements, or null if no children
static  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleContentElement. getDataElement ( SystemSimpleContentElement root, Object data)
          Find element corresponding to given data
protected   SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleContentProvider. getElement ( Object element)
          Casts the given object to SystemSimpleContentElement
  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleContentElement. getParent ()
          Get the parent element
  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleContentElement. getRoot ()
          Walk up the parent tree until we find the root
  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleCopyDialog. getSelectedElement ()
          Return current selection
  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleSelectDialog. getUpdatedContent ()
          Return updated input model

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type SystemSimpleContentElement
 void SystemSimpleContentElement. addChild ( SystemSimpleContentElement child, int pos)
          Add the given child element at the given zero-based position
 void SystemSimpleContentElement. deleteChild ( SystemSimpleContentElement child)
          Delete the given child element.
static  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemSimpleContentElement. getDataElement ( SystemSimpleContentElement root, Object data)
          Find element corresponding to given data
 boolean SystemSimpleSelectDialog. getShouldBeChecked ( SystemSimpleContentElement parent)
          Dynamically determine checked state of parent element
 boolean SystemSimpleSelectDialog. getShouldBeGrayed ( SystemSimpleContentElement parent)
          Dynamically determine grayed state of parent element
 void SystemSimpleContentElement. setChildren ( SystemSimpleContentElement[] children)
          Set the child elements of this element, as an array of SystemSimpleContentElement elements
 void SystemSimpleSelectDialog. setInputObject ( SystemSimpleContentElement inputObject)
          Override of parent.
 void SystemSimpleContentElement. setParent ( SystemSimpleContentElement parent)
          Set the parent element
 void SystemSimpleSelectDialog. setRootToPreselect ( SystemSimpleContentElement preSelectedRoot)
          Set the root to preselect

Constructors in org.eclipse.rse.ui.dialogs with parameters of type SystemSimpleContentElement
SystemSimpleContentElement ( String name, Object data, SystemSimpleContentElement parent, SystemSimpleContentElement[] children)
          Constructor when given children as an array.
SystemSimpleContentElement ( String name, Object data, SystemSimpleContentElement parent, SystemSimpleContentElement[] children)
          Constructor when given children as an array.
SystemSimpleContentElement ( String name, Object data, SystemSimpleContentElement parent, Vector children)
          Constructor when given children as a vector.
SystemSimpleCopyDialog ( Shell shell, String prompt, int mode, ISystemCopyTargetSelectionCallback caller, SystemSimpleContentElement copyTreeContent, SystemSimpleContentElement selection)

Uses of SystemSimpleContentElement in org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters

Fields in org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters declared as SystemSimpleContentElement
  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemFilterPoolDialogOutputs. filterPoolTreeRoot
  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemFilterPoolDialogInputs. filterPoolTreeRoot

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters that return SystemSimpleContentElement
static  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemFilterUIHelpers. getDataElement ( SystemSimpleContentElement root, Object data)
          Find element corresponding to given data
static  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemFilterUIHelpers. getFilterPoolModel ( ISystemFilterPoolManagerProvider mgrProvider, ISystemFilterPoolManager[] mgrs)
          Create and return data model to populate selection tree with

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters with parameters of type SystemSimpleContentElement
static  SystemSimpleContentElement SystemFilterUIHelpers. getDataElement ( SystemSimpleContentElement root, Object data)
          Find element corresponding to given data
protected static void SystemFilterUIHelpers. populateFilterPoolContentElementVector ( ISystemFilterPool[] pools, Vector elements, SystemSimpleContentElement parentElement)
          Internal use only

Uses of SystemSimpleContentElement in org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters.actions

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.ui.filters.actions with parameters of type SystemSimpleContentElement
protected  void SystemFilterAbstractFilterPoolAction. preSelect ( SystemSimpleContentElement inputElement)
          Walk elements deciding pre-selection

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire