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Release 3.0

Uses of Interface

Packages that use IRemoteProcess

Uses of IRemoteProcess in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem that return IRemoteProcess
  IRemoteProcess IHostProcessToRemoteProcessAdapter. convertToRemoteProcess ( IRemoteProcessContext context, IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcess node)
          Convert a single IHostProcess object to an IRemoteProcess object.
  IRemoteProcess[] IHostProcessToRemoteProcessAdapter. convertToRemoteProcesses ( IRemoteProcessContext context, IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcess[] nodes)
          Convert a set of IHostProcess objects to IRemoteProcess objects.
  IRemoteProcess IRemoteProcessSubSystem. getParentProcess ( IRemoteProcess process)
          Given a process, return its parent process object.
  IRemoteProcess IRemoteProcess. getParentRemoteProcess ()
          Get the parent remote process of this process
  IRemoteProcess IRemoteProcessContext. getParentRemoteProcess ()
          Return the parent remote process object expanded to get this object, or null if no such parent
  IRemoteProcess IRemoteProcessSubSystem. getRemoteProcessObject (long pid)
          Given a pid, return an IRemoteProcess object for it.
  IRemoteProcess[] IRemoteProcessSubSystem. listAllProcesses ( IHostProcessFilter processNameFilter, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a list of all processes on the remote system.
  IRemoteProcess[] IRemoteProcessSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcessFilter processFilter, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a list of remote child processes of the given process, which match the filter.
  IRemoteProcess[] IRemoteProcessSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a list of all remote child processes of the given parent process on the remote system
  IRemoteProcess[] IRemoteProcessSubSystem. listRoots ( IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Returns root processes

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem with parameters of type IRemoteProcess
  IRemoteProcess IHostProcessToRemoteProcessAdapter. convertToRemoteProcess ( IRemoteProcessContext context, IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcess node)
          Convert a single IHostProcess object to an IRemoteProcess object.
  IRemoteProcess[] IHostProcessToRemoteProcessAdapter. convertToRemoteProcesses ( IRemoteProcessContext context, IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcess[] nodes)
          Convert a set of IHostProcess objects to IRemoteProcess objects.
  IRemoteProcess IRemoteProcessSubSystem. getParentProcess ( IRemoteProcess process)
          Given a process, return its parent process object.
 boolean IRemoteProcessSubSystem. kill ( IRemoteProcess process, String signal)
          Kill the given process.
  IRemoteProcess[] IRemoteProcessSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcessFilter processFilter, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a list of remote child processes of the given process, which match the filter.
  IRemoteProcess[] IRemoteProcessSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Return a list of all remote child processes of the given parent process on the remote system
 void IRemoteProcessContext. setParentRemoteProcess ( IRemoteProcess parentProcess)
          Set the parent remote process object expanded to get this object, or null if no such parent

Uses of IRemoteProcess in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem.impl

Classes in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem.impl that implement IRemoteProcess
 class RemoteProcessImpl
          Represents a remote process on the client machine.

Fields in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem.impl declared as IRemoteProcess
protected   IRemoteProcess RemoteProcessImpl. _parentProcess
protected   IRemoteProcess RemoteProcessContext. parentProcess

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem.impl that return IRemoteProcess
  IRemoteProcess RemoteProcessSubSystemImpl. getParentProcess ( IRemoteProcess process)
  IRemoteProcess RemoteProcessImpl. getParentRemoteProcess ()
  IRemoteProcess RemoteProcessContext. getParentRemoteProcess ()
          Return the parent remote process object expanded to get this object, or null if no such parent
  IRemoteProcess[] RemoteProcessSubSystemImpl. listRoots ( IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
          At this point there is only one root process, the 'init' process with pid 1

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem.impl with parameters of type IRemoteProcess
  IRemoteProcess RemoteProcessSubSystemImpl. getParentProcess ( IRemoteProcess process)
 void RemoteProcessContext. setParentRemoteProcess ( IRemoteProcess parentProcessObject)
          Set the parent remote process object of this process

Constructors in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.core.subsystem.impl with parameters of type IRemoteProcess
RemoteProcessContext ( IRemoteProcessSubSystem subsystem, IRemoteProcess parentProcessObject, IHostProcessFilter filterString)
          Constructor that takes all inputs.

Uses of IRemoteProcess in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.servicesubsystem

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.servicesubsystem that return IRemoteProcess
  IRemoteProcess ProcessServiceSubSystem. getRemoteProcessObject (long pid)
          Returns the IRemoteProcess representing the process on the remote machine that has a certain pid.
  IRemoteProcess[] ProcessServiceSubSystem. listAllProcesses ( IHostProcessFilter processFilter, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IRemoteProcess[] ProcessServiceSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcessFilter processFilter, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IRemoteProcess[] ProcessServiceSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)

Methods in org.eclipse.rse.subsystems.processes.servicesubsystem with parameters of type IRemoteProcess
 boolean ProcessServiceSubSystem. kill ( IRemoteProcess process, String signal)
  IRemoteProcess[] ProcessServiceSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IHostProcessFilter processFilter, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)
  IRemoteProcess[] ProcessServiceSubSystem. listChildProcesses ( IRemoteProcess parent, IRemoteProcessContext context, IProgressMonitor monitor)

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire