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Release 3.0

Class SystemFileWidgetHelpers

  extended by 

      extended by 

public class SystemFileWidgetHelpers
extends SystemWidgetHelpers

Static methods that can be used when writing SWT GUI code. They simply make it more productive.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui. SystemWidgetHelpers
previousLabel, traceHelpIDs
Constructor Summary
SystemFileWidgetHelpers ()
Method Summary
static  SystemRemoteFolderCombo createFolderCombo ( Composite parent, SelectionListener listener, int horizontalSpan, String historyKey, boolean readOnly)
          Creates a new remote system folder combobox instance and sets the default layout data, with tooltip text.
static  SystemQualifiedRemoteFolderCombo createQualifiedDirectoryCombo ( Composite parent, SelectionListener listener, int horizontalSpan, String historyKey)
          Creates a new remote system directory combobox instance and sets the default layout data, with tooltip text.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.rse.ui. SystemWidgetHelpers
appendColon, createBrowseButton, createBrowseButton, createCheckBox, createCheckBox, createCheckBox, createCheckBox, createCombo, createCombo, createCommandStatusLine, createCommandStatusLine, createComposite, createComposite, createConnectionCombo, createFlushComposite, createGroupComposite, createHistoryCombo, createHostNameCombo, createImageButton, createInheritableTextField, createLabel, createLabel, createLabel, createLabel, createLabel, createLabeledCombo, createLabeledLabel, createLabeledReadonlyCombo, createLabeledReadonlyTextField, createLabeledTextField, createLabeledVerbiage, createListBox, createListBox, createListBox, createListBox, createMultiLineLabeledTextField, createMultiLineTextField, createPushButton, createPushButton, createPushButton, createRadioButton, createRadioButton, createRadioButton, createReadonlyCombo, createReadonlyCombo, createReadonlyTextField, createReadonlyTextField, createRigidFillerLabel, createSpacerLine, createSystemTypeCombo, createTextField, createTextField, createTightComposite, createVerbiage, createVerticalBeginComposite, getFirstColumnOneLabel, getLastLabel, getSystemTypeLabels, getValidSystemTypes, lineUpPrompts, setCompositeHelp, setHelp, setHelp, setHelp, setHelp, setMnemonics, setMnemonics, setMnemonics, setMnemonics, setPreferencePageMnemonics, setPreferencePageMnemonics, setWizardPageMnemonics, setWizardPageMnemonics, sortSystemTypesByLabel
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SystemFileWidgetHelpers()
Method Detail


public static 
SystemRemoteFolderCombo createFolderCombo(
Composite parent,
SelectionListener listener,
                                                        int horizontalSpan,
String historyKey,
                                                        boolean readOnly)
Creates a new remote system folder combobox instance and sets the default layout data, with tooltip text.

Assign the listener to the passed in implementer of Listener.

A remote system folder combobox is one that mimics the local folder selection combobox, but works with remote file systems instead. It has a label, a historical dropdown, and a browse button.

parent - composite to put the combo into.
listener - object to listen for selection events. Can be null. If you want to listen for modify events, call addListener(SWT.Modify,this) on your own.
historyKey - The key with which to remember/restore the history for this combo. Pass null to use the overall default.
horizontalSpan - number of columns this should span
readOnly - true if the combo is to be readonly


public static 
SystemQualifiedRemoteFolderCombo createQualifiedDirectoryCombo(
Composite parent,
SelectionListener listener,
                                                                             int horizontalSpan,
String historyKey)
Creates a new remote system directory combobox instance and sets the default layout data, with tooltip text. Each remote directory is qualified by its connection name. These combos are always readonly.

Assign the listener to the passed in implementer of Listener.

A remote system qualified-directory combobox is one that mimics the local directory selection combobox, but works with remote file systems instead. It has a label, a historical dropdown, and a browse button.

parent - composite to put the combo into.
listener - object to listen for selection events. Can be null. If you want to listen for modify events, call addListener(SWT.Modify,this) on your own.
historyKey - The key with which to remember/restore the history for this combo. Pass null to use the overall default.
horizontalSpan - number of columns this should span

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire