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Release 3.0

Class AbstractDelegatingConnectorService

  extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IPropertySetContainer, IRSEModelObject, IRSEPersistableContainer, IConnectorService, IDelegatingConnectorService

public abstract class AbstractDelegatingConnectorService
extends Object
implements IDelegatingConnectorService

Field Summary
protected   IHost _host
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.rse.core.model. IRSEPersistableContainer
Constructor Summary
AbstractDelegatingConnectorService ( IHost host)
          Creates a new delegating connector service for a particular host.
Method Summary
 void acquireCredentials (boolean forcePrompt)
          Acquire the credentials for this connector service.
 void addCommunicationsListener ( ICommunicationsListener listener)
          Register a communications listener.
 boolean addPropertySet ( IPropertySet set)
          Adds an existing property set to this container.
 boolean addPropertySets ( IPropertySet[] sets)
          Adds a number of existing property sets to this container.
 void clearCredentials ()
          Clears the credentials held by this service.
 void clearPassword (boolean clearDiskCache, boolean propagate)
          Clear password held by this service and optionally clear its persistent form.
 boolean commit ()
          Request a persistence manager to persist this object.
 void connect ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Connect to the remote system.
  IPropertySet createPropertySet ( String name)
          Creates a new property set of a particular name in this container.
  IPropertySet createPropertySet ( String name, String description)
          Creates a new property set of a particular name and description in this container.
 void deregisterSubSystem ( ISubSystem ss)
          Deregister the subsystem.
 void disconnect ( IProgressMonitor monitor)
          Disconnect from the remote system.
 boolean getDenyPasswordSave ()
          Retrieves the value of the "DENY_PASSWORD_SAVE" property of this connector service.
  String getDescription ()
  String getHomeDirectory ()
  IHost getHost ()
  String getHostName ()
  String getName ()
  IRSEPersistableContainer[] getPersistableChildren ()
          Retrieves the children of this object in the persistence containment hierarchy.
  IRSEPersistableContainer getPersistableParent ()
          Retrieve the parent of this object in the persistence containment hierarchy.
 int getPort ()
  ISubSystem getPrimarySubSystem ()
  IPropertySet getPropertySet ( String name)
          Retrieves a particular property set by its name.
  IPropertySet[] getPropertySets ()
          Retrieves an array all property sets known to this container.
abstract   IConnectorService getRealConnectorService ()
  IServerLauncher getRemoteServerLauncher ()
  IServerLauncherProperties getRemoteServerLauncherProperties ()
          Gets the properties associated with a remote server launcher.
  ISubSystem[] getSubSystems ()
          Return all the subsystems that use this connector service
  String getTempDirectory ()
  String getUserId ()
  String getVersionReleaseModification ()
 boolean hasPassword (boolean onDisk)
 boolean hasRemoteServerLauncherProperties ()
 boolean inheritsCredentials ()
          Returns true if this system can inherit the credentials of from the other connector services in this host.
 boolean isConnected ()
 boolean isDirty ()
          An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted.
 boolean isServerLaunchTypeEnabled ( ISubSystem subsystem, ServerLaunchType serverLaunchType)
          This methods returns the enablement state of a server launch type.
 boolean isSuppressed ()
 boolean isTainted ()
          An object is tainted if it contains an object that is dirty somewhere in its containment hierarchy.
 boolean isUsingSSL ()
 void registerSubSystem ( ISubSystem ss)
          Adds a subsystem to this connector service.
 void removeCommunicationsListener ( ICommunicationsListener listener)
          Remove a communications listener.
 void removePassword ()
          Causes the persisted password known to this connector service, if any, to be forgotten.
 boolean removePropertySet ( String name)
          Removes a particular property set from this container.
 void removeUserId ()
          Causes the persisted (default) user id known to this connector service, if any, to be forgotten.
 boolean requiresPassword ()
          Test if this connector service requires a password.
 boolean requiresUserId ()
          Test if this connector service requires a user id.
 void reset ()
          Reset after some fundamental change, such as a hostname change.
 void savePassword ()
          Causes the password known to this connector service, if any, to be persisted.
 void saveUserId ()
          Causes the user id known to the connector service, if any, to be persisted.
 int setDenyPasswordSave (boolean deny)
          Sets the attribute for this connector service instance that denies a password to be saved.
 void setDirty (boolean flag)
          An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted.
 void setHost ( IHost host)
          Sets the host used by this connector service.
 void setIsUsingSSL (boolean flag)
 void setPassword ( String matchingUserId, String password, boolean persist, boolean propagate)
          Sets the password used by this connector service.
 void setPort (int port)
          Set the port for this connector.
 void setRemoteServerLauncherProperties ( IServerLauncherProperties value)
          Set the properties for the remote server launcher This is an object containing properties used to launch a remote server that communicates with this client.
 void setSuppressed (boolean suppressSignonPrompt)
          Suppresses the acquisition of a credentials by the connector service.
 void setTainted (boolean flag)
          Sets the tainted attribute for this object.
 void setUserId ( String userId)
          Set the user id this connector service will use when establishing its connection.
 void setWasRestored (boolean flag)
          Sets the restored state of the object.
 boolean sharesCredentials ()
          Return true if this system can share it's credentials with other connector services in this host.
 boolean supportsPassword ()
          Determines if this connector service understand the concept of a password.
 boolean supportsRemoteServerLaunching ()
 boolean supportsServerLaunchProperties ()
 boolean supportsUserId ()
          Reports if this connector service can use a user identifier.
 boolean wasRestored ()
          An object was restored if it originated from a persistent form.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


IHost _host
Constructor Detail


public AbstractDelegatingConnectorService(
IHost host)
Creates a new delegating connector service for a particular host. Should be invoked from the constructor for any concrete subclasses.

host - The host associated with this connector service.
Method Detail


public abstract 
IConnectorService getRealConnectorService()
Specified by:
getRealConnectorService in interface IDelegatingConnectorService
the connector service that this connector service will forward requests to.


public void addCommunicationsListener(
ICommunicationsListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Register a communications listener. These listeners will be informed of connect and disconnect events.

Specified by:
addCommunicationsListener in interface IConnectorService
listener - a listener for the communications event.


public boolean addPropertySet(
IPropertySet set)
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Adds an existing property set to this container. If the property set already has a container it is removed from that container and added to this one. If this container already has a property set by this name, this one replaces it.

Specified by:
addPropertySet in interface IPropertySetContainer
set - the property set to be added.
true if the property set was added.


public boolean addPropertySets(
IPropertySet[] sets)
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Adds a number of existing property sets to this container.

Specified by:
addPropertySets in interface IPropertySetContainer
sets - the sets to be added
true if all property sets were added.
See Also:


public void clearPassword(boolean clearDiskCache,
                          boolean propagate)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Clear password held by this service and optionally clear its persistent form. Called when user uses the property dialog to change his userId.

Specified by:
clearPassword in interface IConnectorService
clearDiskCache - if true, clears the persistent form of the password
propagate - true if this password should be cleared in related connector services.


public void clearCredentials()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Clears the credentials held by this service. Should be called if there is a change to any part of the credentials expected by any using subsystem.

Specified by:
clearCredentials in interface IConnectorService


public boolean commit()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Request a persistence manager to persist this object.

Specified by:
commit in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object was persisted.


public void connect(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Connect to the remote system.

Specified by:
connect in interface IConnectorService
monitor - a monitor for tracking the progress and canceling a connect operation.
OperationCanceledException - if the connect was cancelled by the user
Exception - if there is a failure connecting. Typically, this will be a SystemMessageException.


IPropertySet createPropertySet(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Creates a new property set of a particular name in this container. If one already exists by this name, it is replaced with a new empty property set. In order to have the property set persisted, the implementing class should also implement IRSEPersistableContainer. The IRSEPersistableContainer.commit() method must then be used to commit any changes into persistent storage.

Specified by:
createPropertySet in interface IPropertySetContainer
name - the name of the property set.
The property set.


IPropertySet createPropertySet(
String name,
String description)
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Creates a new property set of a particular name and description in this container. If one already exists by this name it is replaced with a new empty property set. In order to have the property set persisted, the implementing class should also implement IRSEPersistableContainer. The IRSEPersistableContainer.commit() method must then be used to commit any changes into persistent storage.

Specified by:
createPropertySet in interface IPropertySetContainer
name - the name of the property set.
description - the description (usually already localized) for this property set.
the newly created property set.


public void deregisterSubSystem(
ISubSystem ss)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Deregister the subsystem. Does nothing if the subsystem is not present.

Specified by:
deregisterSubSystem in interface IConnectorService
ss - the subsystem to remove from this connector service.


public void disconnect(
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Disconnect from the remote system.

Specified by:
disconnect in interface IConnectorService
monitor - a monitor for tracking the progress and canceling a disconnect operation.
Exception - an exception of the disconnect fails. Typically, this will be a SystemMessageException.


String getDescription()
Specified by:
getDescription in interface IRSEModelObject


String getHomeDirectory()
Specified by:
getHomeDirectory in interface IConnectorService
the home directory of the remote system for the current user, if available.


IHost getHost()
Specified by:
getHost in interface IConnectorService
the host used by this connector service.


String getHostName()
Specified by:
getHostName in interface IConnectorService
the host name for the connection associated with this connector service.


String getName()
Specified by:
getName in interface IRSEModelObject


public int getPort()
Specified by:
getPort in interface IConnectorService
the port for this connector service. Usually only used for IP based connections.


ISubSystem getPrimarySubSystem()
Specified by:
getPrimarySubSystem in interface IConnectorService
the primary subsystem object this connector service is associated with. This is usually the subsystem that first established this connector service.


IPropertySet getPropertySet(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Retrieves a particular property set by its name.

Specified by:
getPropertySet in interface IPropertySetContainer
name - the name of the property set.
the named property set or null if one by that name does not exist.


IPropertySet[] getPropertySets()
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Retrieves an array all property sets known to this container. It will return an empty array if this container has property sets. The order of these property sets is not dictated by the interface.

Specified by:
getPropertySets in interface IPropertySetContainer
an array of property sets.


IServerLauncher getRemoteServerLauncher()
Specified by:
getRemoteServerLauncher in interface IConnectorService
the server launcher. Will be null unless IConnectorService.supportsRemoteServerLaunching() is true.


IServerLauncherProperties getRemoteServerLauncherProperties()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Gets the properties associated with a remote server launcher. These may be null. This an optional object containing properties used to launch the remote server that communicates with this client.

Specified by:
getRemoteServerLauncherProperties in interface IConnectorService
the properties of the server launcher


ISubSystem[] getSubSystems()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Return all the subsystems that use this connector service

Specified by:
getSubSystems in interface IConnectorService
the subsystems that use this service


String getTempDirectory()
Specified by:
getTempDirectory in interface IConnectorService
the temporary directory of the remote system for the current user, if available.


String getUserId()
Specified by:
getUserId in interface IConnectorService
the user id that will be used by this connector when establishing its connection.


String getVersionReleaseModification()
Specified by:
getVersionReleaseModification in interface IConnectorService
the version, release, modification of the remote system, if connected, if applicable, and if available. Return null if this information is not available.


public boolean hasPassword(boolean onDisk)
Specified by:
hasPassword in interface IConnectorService
onDisk - also check for the persistent form of the password.
true if a password is currently known to this connector service.


public boolean hasRemoteServerLauncherProperties()
Specified by:
hasRemoteServerLauncherProperties in interface IConnectorService
true if the connector service has server launcher properties.


public boolean inheritsCredentials()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Returns true if this system can inherit the credentials of from the other connector services in this host.

Specified by:
inheritsCredentials in interface IConnectorService
true if it can inherit the credentials, false otherwise


public boolean isConnected()
Specified by:
isConnected in interface IConnectorService
true if currently connected.


public boolean isDirty()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted.

Specified by:
isDirty in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object is dirty


public boolean isServerLaunchTypeEnabled(
ISubSystem subsystem,
ServerLaunchType serverLaunchType)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
This methods returns the enablement state of a server launch type. If RemoteServerLauncher.enableServerLaunchType(ServerLaunchType, boolean) has not been called for this server launch type, then it is enabled by default.

Specified by:
isServerLaunchTypeEnabled in interface IConnectorService
subsystem - the subystem for which this may be enabled.
serverLaunchType - the type to check for enabledment.
true if the connector service supports server launching and this launch type is enabled.
See Also:


public boolean isSuppressed()
Specified by:
isSuppressed in interface IConnectorService
true if the acquisition of credentials is being suppressed.


public boolean isUsingSSL()
Specified by:
isUsingSSL in interface IConnectorService
true if this connector service will attempt to use SSL when establishing its connection.


public void acquireCredentials(boolean forcePrompt)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Acquire the credentials for this connector service. Acquisition may be temporarily suppressed by using the IConnectorService.setSuppressed(boolean).

Implementations may retain a remembered credentials or use this to acquire the credentials using some implementation defined means.

Specified by:
acquireCredentials in interface IConnectorService
forcePrompt - if true will force the connector service to discard any remembered value and reacquire the credentials.
OperationCanceledException - if acquisition of the credentials is cancelled or is being suppressed.


public void registerSubSystem(
ISubSystem ss)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Adds a subsystem to this connector service. Does nothing if the subsystem is already known to this connector service.

Specified by:
registerSubSystem in interface IConnectorService
ss - a subsystem that is using this connector service.


public void removeCommunicationsListener(
ICommunicationsListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Remove a communications listener.

Specified by:
removeCommunicationsListener in interface IConnectorService
listener - a listener for the communications event.


public boolean removePropertySet(
String name)
Description copied from interface: IPropertySetContainer
Removes a particular property set from this container.

Specified by:
removePropertySet in interface IPropertySetContainer
name - the name of the property set to be removed
true if the property set was removed; false if a property set was not removed, usually if it does not exist in the container.


public void reset()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Reset after some fundamental change, such as a hostname change. Clear any memory of the current connection.

Specified by:
reset in interface IConnectorService


public void setDirty(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer

An object is dirty if a change has been made to it that requires it to be persisted. Objects should usually mark themselves dirty when a persistable change is made. However, there may be a need to mark related objects dirty as well.

Persistable changes are:

  • Any modification of a persistable attribute
  • A rename
  • A deletion of a child object
  • A reordering of the list of child objects
  • The addition of a child object

A rename may also cause a parent to be marked dirty if the parent refers to the child by name.

Setting this value to false should be done only in the persistence manager after the object has been written to the DOM.

Marking an object as dirty must cause it and all of its ancestors in the persistence hierarchy to be marked as tainted.

Specified by:
setDirty in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
flag - true if the object must be persisted.


public void setHost(
IHost host)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Sets the host used by this connector service.

Specified by:
setHost in interface IConnectorService
host - the host to be used for this connector service


public void setIsUsingSSL(boolean flag)
Specified by:
setIsUsingSSL in interface IConnectorService
flag - true if the connector service should attempt to use SSL when establishing the connection.


public void setPassword(
String matchingUserId,
String password,
                        boolean persist,
                        boolean propagate)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Sets the password used by this connector service. Can be used if the connector service acquires a password by some external means.

Specified by:
setPassword in interface IConnectorService
matchingUserId - The user id to be associated with this password.
password - the password
persist - true if the password is to be persisted for later use.
propagate - true if this password should be propagated to related connector services.


public void setPort(int port)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Set the port for this connector. Usually only used by IP based connections.

Specified by:
setPort in interface IConnectorService
port - the IP port used by this connector service.


public void setRemoteServerLauncherProperties(
IServerLauncherProperties value)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Set the properties for the remote server launcher This is an object containing properties used to launch a remote server that communicates with this client.

Specified by:
setRemoteServerLauncherProperties in interface IConnectorService
value - the new value of the 'Remote Server Launcher' containment reference.


public void setSuppressed(boolean suppressSignonPrompt)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Suppresses the acquisition of a credentials by the connector service. Causes IConnectorService.acquireCredentials(boolean) to immediately throw an InterruptedException.

The intent is to allow tool writers to prevent multiple attempts to acquire credentials during a set period of time. It is the responsibility of the caller to set this value back to false when the tool no longer needs to suppress acquisition credentials.

Specified by:
setSuppressed in interface IConnectorService
suppressSignonPrompt - true if acquisition is to be suppressed. false if acquisition is to be allowed.


public void setUserId(
String userId)
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Set the user id this connector service will use when establishing its connection.

Specified by:
setUserId in interface IConnectorService
userId - the user id string for this connector service.


public void setWasRestored(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Sets the restored state of the object. Only persistence managers should do this. Persistable objects should be initially created with this as false and the persistence manager set this to true. This attribute is "sticky" in the face of most property changes. It should be set false if the object is renamed or re-parented.

Specified by:
setWasRestored in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
flag - true if the object was restored.


public boolean sharesCredentials()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Return true if this system can share it's credentials with other connector services in this host.

Specified by:
sharesCredentials in interface IConnectorService
true if it can share the credentials


public boolean supportsPassword()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Determines if this connector service understand the concept of a password.

Specified by:
supportsPassword in interface IConnectorService
true if the connector service can use a password, false if a password is irrelevant.


public boolean supportsRemoteServerLaunching()
Specified by:
supportsRemoteServerLaunching in interface IConnectorService
true if the connector service supports the concept of remote server launching.


public boolean supportsServerLaunchProperties()
Specified by:
supportsServerLaunchProperties in interface IConnectorService
true if the connector service supports the concept of remote server launch properties. This will always return false IConnectorService.supportsRemoteServerLaunching() is false.


public boolean supportsUserId()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Reports if this connector service can use a user identifier. Typically used to indicate if a login dialog needs to be presented when connecting.

Specified by:
supportsUserId in interface IConnectorService
true if and only if the connector service can use a user id.


public void saveUserId()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Causes the user id known to the connector service, if any, to be persisted.

Specified by:
saveUserId in interface IConnectorService


public void removeUserId()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Causes the persisted (default) user id known to this connector service, if any, to be forgotten.

Specified by:
removeUserId in interface IConnectorService


public void savePassword()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Causes the password known to this connector service, if any, to be persisted.

Specified by:
savePassword in interface IConnectorService


public void removePassword()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Causes the persisted password known to this connector service, if any, to be forgotten.

Specified by:
removePassword in interface IConnectorService


public boolean wasRestored()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
An object was restored if it originated from a persistent form.

Specified by:
wasRestored in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object was created from its persistent form, false if the object has never been persisted.


public boolean requiresPassword()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Test if this connector service requires a password.

Specified by:
requiresPassword in interface IConnectorService
true if this connector service supports passwords and requires a password to connect to its target system.


public boolean requiresUserId()
Description copied from interface: IConnectorService
Test if this connector service requires a user id.

Specified by:
requiresUserId in interface IConnectorService
true if this connector service understands the concept of a user id and requires one to connect to its target system.


public boolean isTainted()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
An object is tainted if it contains an object that is dirty somewhere in its containment hierarchy.

Specified by:
isTainted in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
true if the object is tainted.


public void setTainted(boolean flag)
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Sets the tainted attribute for this object. This should set to true only by child objects when they have been marked dirty or tainted. Setting this to true will cause all parent objects in the containment hierarchy to be marked tainted. It should be set to false only by a persistence manager when the object has been committed.

Specified by:
setTainted in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
flag - the tainted state of the object.


IRSEPersistableContainer getPersistableParent()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Retrieve the parent of this object in the persistence containment hierarchy. This is related to, but not necessarily the same as, the model hierarchy.

Specified by:
getPersistableParent in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
the parent persistent object. This is null if there is no parent.


IRSEPersistableContainer[] getPersistableChildren()
Description copied from interface: IRSEPersistableContainer
Retrieves the children of this object in the persistence containment hierarchy. This is related to, but not necessarily the same as, the model hierarchy.

Specified by:
getPersistableChildren in interface IRSEPersistableContainer
the array of persistent children in the order they are to be stored in the persistent form. This is an empty array if there are no children. See IRSEPersistableContainer.NO_CHILDREN.


public int setDenyPasswordSave(boolean deny)
Sets the attribute for this connector service instance that denies a password to be saved. If the attribute has never been set it defaults to false. If set to true, it will clear any saved passwords for this system and not allow any further passwords to be stored. This property of a system is persistent from session to session, but is not sharable.

Specified by:
setDenyPasswordSave in interface IConnectorService
deny - If true, forget any saved passwords and do not allow any others to be saved. If false, allow passwords to be saved in the keyring.
the number of saved passwords removed by this operation. This will always be zero if "deny" is false.
org.eclipse.rse.core 3.0


public boolean getDenyPasswordSave()
Retrieves the value of the "DENY_PASSWORD_SAVE" property of this connector service. If the value has never been set, this will return false.

Specified by:
getDenyPasswordSave in interface IConnectorService
true if password saving is denied.
org.eclipse.rse.core 3.0

Release 3.0

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation and others 2000, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire