Interface IIntroContentProvider
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public interface IIntroContentProvider
A content provider for dynamic intro content. It is initialized with the
content provider site because a typical content provider would need to update
its contents dynamically at runtime. And so, the site can be informed of a
need to redraw its content through a call to its reflow(..) method.
The life cycle of an IIntroContentProvider is as follows:
void init(
IIntroContentProviderSite site)
- Initializes the content provider. An IIntroContentProviderSite is passed,
which will be called on to recompute or layout the content when the
content becomes stale.
- the site of this IIntroContentProvider
void createContent(
String id,
PrintWriter out)
- Creates HTML content in the provided PrintWriter. This content will be
included in the generated HTML page when embedded HTML widget is used to
render intro content.
- the unique identifier of the content element. The same content
provider class can be reused for several elements and the id
can be used to tell them apart. -
- the output print writer to generate HTML content into
void createContent(
String id,
Composite parent,
FormToolkit toolkit)
- Creates SWT content in the provided Composite. This method is called when
Eclipse Forms are used to render intro content.
- the unique identifier of the content element -
- the parent composite that should be used when creating SWT
widgets -
- the form toolkit that should be used when creating new widgets
void dispose()
- Dispose of the ContentProvider. This will only be called when the Intro
view is closed. In other words, the content provider will not be disposed
of until the last possible minute. This gives the implementor the chance
to cache content and avoid regenerating content on every page switch.
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