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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IFormPage

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IEditorPart, ISaveablePart, IWorkbenchPart
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IFormPage
extends IEditorPart

Interface that all GUI pages need to implement in order to be added to FormEditor part. The interface makes several assumptions:

  • The form page has a managed form
  • The form page has a unique id
  • The form page can be GUI but can also wrap a complete editor class (in that case, it should return true from isEditor() method).
  • The form page is lazy i.e. understands that its part control will be created at the last possible moment.
  • .

Existing editors can be wrapped by implementing this interface. In this case, 'isEditor' should return true. A common editor to wrap in TextEditor that is often added to show the raw source code of the file open into the multi-page editor.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. IEditorPart
Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. IWorkbenchPart
Method Summary
 boolean canLeaveThePage ()
          Tests if the content of the page is in a state that allows the editor to flip to another page.
  FormEditor getEditor ()
          Returns the editor this page belongs to.
  String getId ()
          Page must have a unique id that can be used to show it without knowing its relative position in the editor.
 int getIndex ()
          Returns the position of the page in the editor.
  IManagedForm getManagedForm ()
          Returns the managed form of this page, unless this is a source page.
  Control getPartControl ()
          Returns the control associated with this page.
 void initialize ( FormEditor editor)
 boolean isActive ()
          Returns true if page is currently active, false if not.
 boolean isEditor ()
          Tests whether this page wraps a complete editor that can be registered on its own, or represents a page that cannot exist outside the multi-page editor context.
 boolean selectReveal ( Object object)
          A hint to bring the provided object into focus.
 void setActive (boolean active)
          Indicates whether the page has become the active in the editor.
 void setIndex (int index)
          Sets the position of the page in the editor.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. IEditorPart
getEditorInput, getEditorSite, init
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. IWorkbenchPart
addPropertyListener, createPartControl, dispose, getSite, getTitle, getTitleImage, getTitleToolTip, removePropertyListener, setFocus
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.core.runtime. IAdaptable
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.ui. ISaveablePart
doSave, doSaveAs, isDirty, isSaveAsAllowed, isSaveOnCloseNeeded

Method Detail


void initialize(
FormEditor editor)
editor - the form editor that this page belongs to


FormEditor getEditor()
Returns the editor this page belongs to.

the form editor


IManagedForm getManagedForm()
Returns the managed form of this page, unless this is a source page.

the managed form or null if this is a source page.


void setActive(boolean active)
Indicates whether the page has become the active in the editor. Classes that implement this interface may use this method to commit the page (on false) or lazily create and/or populate the content on true.

active - true if page should be visible, false otherwise.


boolean isActive()
Returns true if page is currently active, false if not.

true for active page.


boolean canLeaveThePage()
Tests if the content of the page is in a state that allows the editor to flip to another page. Typically, pages that contain raw source with syntax errors should not allow editors to leave them until errors are corrected.

true if the editor can flip to another page, false otherwise.


Control getPartControl()
Returns the control associated with this page.

the control of this page if created or null if the page has not been shown yet.


String getId()
Page must have a unique id that can be used to show it without knowing its relative position in the editor.

the unique page identifier


int getIndex()
Returns the position of the page in the editor.

the zero-based index of the page in the editor.


void setIndex(int index)
Sets the position of the page in the editor.

index - the zero-based index of the page in the editor.


boolean isEditor()
Tests whether this page wraps a complete editor that can be registered on its own, or represents a page that cannot exist outside the multi-page editor context.

true if the page wraps an editor, false if this is a form page.


boolean selectReveal(
Object object)
A hint to bring the provided object into focus. If the object is in a tree or table control, select it. If it is shown on a scrollable page, ensure that it is visible. If the object is not presented in the page, false should be returned to allow another page to try.

object - object to select and reveal
true if the request was successful, false otherwise.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire