Interface IPerspectiveFactory
public interface IPerspectiveFactory
A perspective factory generates the initial page layout and visible
action set for a page.
When a new page is created in the workbench a perspective is used to define
the initial page layout. If this is a predefined perspective (based on an extension to
the workbench's perspective extension point) an IPerspectiveFactory
is used to define the initial page layout.
The factory for the perspective is created and passed an IPageLayout
where views can be added. The default layout consists of the editor area with no
additional views. Additional views are added to the layout using
the editor area as the initial point of reference. The factory is used only briefly
while a new page is created; then discarded.
To define a perspective clients should implement this interface and
include the name of their class in an extension to the workbench's perspective
extension point (named "org.eclipse.ui.perspectives"
). For example,
the plug-in's XML markup might contain:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ui.perspectives">
Example of populating a page with standard workbench views:
public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
// Get the editor area.
String editorArea = layout.getEditorArea();
// Top left: Resource Navigator view and Bookmarks view placeholder
IFolderLayout topLeft = layout.createFolder("topLeft", IPageLayout.LEFT, 0.25f,
// Bottom left: Outline view and Property Sheet view
IFolderLayout bottomLeft = layout.createFolder("bottomLeft", IPageLayout.BOTTOM, 0.50f,
// Bottom right: Task List view
layout.addView(IPageLayout.ID_TASK_LIST, IPageLayout.BOTTOM, 0.66f, editorArea);
Within the workbench a user may override the visible views, layout and
action sets of a predefined perspective to create a custom perspective. In such cases
the layout is persisted by the workbench and the factory is not used.
void createInitialLayout(
IPageLayout layout)
- Creates the initial layout for a page.
Implementors of this method may add additional views to a
perspective. The perspective already contains an editor folder
identified by the result of IPageLayout.getEditorArea()
Additional views should be added to the layout using this value as
the initial point of reference.
- the page layout
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