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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Interface ISyncInfoTreeChangeEvent

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ISyncInfoTreeChangeEvent
extends ISyncInfoSetChangeEvent

This is a change event that provides access to changes in subtrees that contain the out-of-sync resources. It is the event type provided by SyncInfoTree when it notifies listeners of changes.


Method Summary
  IResource[] getAddedSubtreeRoots ()
          Returns the highest parent resources of all newly added elements available in this event by calling getAddedResources().
  IResource[] getRemovedSubtreeRoots ()
          Returns the highest parent resources of all newly removed elements available in this event by calling getRemovedResources().
Methods inherited from interface ISyncInfoSetChangeEvent
getAddedResources, getChangedResources, getRemovedResources, getSet

Method Detail


IResource[] getAddedSubtreeRoots()
Returns the highest parent resources of all newly added elements available in this event by calling getAddedResources(). In other words, it returns the set of all parent containers that did not previously have descendants in the sync set but are direct children of containers that did previously have descendants in the set.

These roots are provided in order to allow listeners to optimize the reconciliation of hierarchical views of the SyncInfoSet contents.

parents of all newly added elements or an empty list if this event doesn't contain added resources.


IResource[] getRemovedSubtreeRoots()
Returns the highest parent resources of all newly removed elements available in this event by calling getRemovedResources(). In other words, it returns the set of all parent containers that previously had descendants in the sync set but are direct children of containers that still have descendants in the set.

These roots are provided in order to allow listeners to optimize the reconciliation of hierarchical views of the SyncInfoSet contents.

parents of all newly removed elements. or an empty list if this event doesn't contain added resources.

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire