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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class GridData

  extended by 

public final class GridData
extends Object

GridData is the layout data object associated with GridLayout. To set a GridData object into a control, you use the Control.setLayoutData(Object) method.

There are two ways to create a GridData object with certain fields set. The first is to set the fields directly, like this:

                GridData gridData = new GridData();
                gridData.horizontalAlignment = GridData.FILL;
                gridData.grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true;
The second is to take advantage of convenience style bits defined by GridData:
      button1.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL | GridData.GRAB_HORIZONTAL));

NOTE: Do not reuse GridData objects. Every control in a Composite that is managed by a GridLayout must have a unique GridData object. If the layout data for a control in a GridLayout is null at layout time, a unique GridData object is created for it.

See Also:
GridLayout, Control.setLayoutData(java.lang.Object), Sample code and further information

Field Summary
static int BEGINNING
          Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment.
static int CENTER
          Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment.
static int END
          Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment.
 boolean exclude
          exclude informs the layout to ignore this control when sizing and positioning controls.
static int FILL
          Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment.
static int FILL_BOTH
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell horizontally and vertically and to fit the remaining horizontal and vertical space.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell horizontally and to fit the remaining horizontal space.
static int FILL_VERTICAL
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell vertically and to fit the remaining vertical space.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fit the remaining horizontal space.
static int GRAB_VERTICAL
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fit the remaining vertical space.
 boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace
          grabExcessHorizontalSpace specifies whether the width of the cell changes depending on the size of the parent Composite.
 boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace
          grabExcessVerticalSpace specifies whether the height of the cell changes depending on the size of the parent Composite.
 int heightHint
          heightHint specifies the preferred height in pixels.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control at the left of the cell.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control in the horizontal center of the cell.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control at the right of the cell.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell horizontally.
 int horizontalAlignment
          horizontalAlignment specifies how controls will be positioned horizontally within a cell.
 int horizontalIndent
          horizontalIndent specifies the number of pixels of indentation that will be placed along the left side of the cell.
 int horizontalSpan
          horizontalSpan specifies the number of column cells that the control will take up.
 int minimumHeight
          minimumHeight specifies the minimum height in pixels.
 int minimumWidth
          minimumWidth specifies the minimum width in pixels.
          Style bit for new GridData(int).
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control in the vertical center of the cell.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control at the bottom of the cell.
          Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell vertically.
 int verticalAlignment
          verticalAlignment specifies how controls will be positioned vertically within a cell.
 int verticalIndent
          verticalIndent specifies the number of pixels of indentation that will be placed along the top side of the cell.
 int verticalSpan
          verticalSpan specifies the number of row cells that the control will take up.
 int widthHint
          widthHint specifies the preferred width in pixels.
Constructor Summary
GridData ()
          Constructs a new instance of GridData using default values.
GridData (int style)
          Constructs a new instance based on the GridData style.
GridData (int width, int height)
          Constructs a new instance of GridData according to the parameters.
GridData (int horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment, boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace, boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace)
          Constructs a new instance of GridData according to the parameters.
GridData (int horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment, boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace, boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace, int horizontalSpan, int verticalSpan)
          Constructs a new instance of GridData according to the parameters.
Method Summary
  String toString ()
          Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int verticalAlignment
verticalAlignment specifies how controls will be positioned vertically within a cell. The default value is CENTER. Possible values are:
  • SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.TOP): Position the control at the top of the cell
  • SWT.CENTER: Position the control in the vertical center of the cell
  • SWT.END (or SWT.BOTTOM): Position the control at the bottom of the cell
  • SWT.FILL: Resize the control to fill the cell vertically


public int horizontalAlignment
horizontalAlignment specifies how controls will be positioned horizontally within a cell. The default value is BEGINNING. Possible values are:
  • SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.LEFT): Position the control at the left of the cell
  • SWT.CENTER: Position the control in the horizontal center of the cell
  • SWT.END (or SWT.RIGHT): Position the control at the right of the cell
  • SWT.FILL: Resize the control to fill the cell horizontally


public int widthHint
widthHint specifies the preferred width in pixels. This value is the wHint passed into Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean) to determine the preferred size of the control. The default value is SWT.DEFAULT.

See Also:
Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean)


public int heightHint
heightHint specifies the preferred height in pixels. This value is the hHint passed into Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean) to determine the preferred size of the control. The default value is SWT.DEFAULT.

See Also:
Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean)


public int horizontalIndent
horizontalIndent specifies the number of pixels of indentation that will be placed along the left side of the cell. The default value is 0.


public int verticalIndent
verticalIndent specifies the number of pixels of indentation that will be placed along the top side of the cell. The default value is 0.



public int horizontalSpan
horizontalSpan specifies the number of column cells that the control will take up. The default value is 1.


public int verticalSpan
verticalSpan specifies the number of row cells that the control will take up. The default value is 1.


public boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace

grabExcessHorizontalSpace specifies whether the width of the cell changes depending on the size of the parent Composite. If grabExcessHorizontalSpace is true, the following rules apply to the width of the cell:

  • If extra horizontal space is available in the parent, the cell will grow to be wider than its preferred width. The new width will be "preferred width + delta" where delta is the extra horizontal space divided by the number of grabbing columns.
  • If there is not enough horizontal space available in the parent, the cell will shrink until it reaches its minimum width as specified by GridData.minimumWidth. The new width will be the maximum of "minimumWidth" and "preferred width - delta", where delta is the amount of space missing divided by the number of grabbing columns.
  • If the parent is packed, the cell will be its preferred width as specified by GridData.widthHint.
  • If the control spans multiple columns and there are no other grabbing controls in any of the spanned columns, the last column in the span will grab the extra space. If there is at least one other grabbing control in the span, the grabbing will be spread over the columns already marked as grabExcessHorizontalSpace.

The default value is false.

See Also:
minimumWidth, widthHint


public boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace

grabExcessVerticalSpace specifies whether the height of the cell changes depending on the size of the parent Composite. If grabExcessVerticalSpace is true, the following rules apply to the height of the cell:

  • If extra vertical space is available in the parent, the cell will grow to be taller than its preferred height. The new height will be "preferred height + delta" where delta is the extra vertical space divided by the number of grabbing rows.
  • If there is not enough vertical space available in the parent, the cell will shrink until it reaches its minimum height as specified by GridData.minimumHeight. The new height will be the maximum of "minimumHeight" and "preferred height - delta", where delta is the amount of space missing divided by the number of grabbing rows.
  • If the parent is packed, the cell will be its preferred height as specified by GridData.heightHint.
  • If the control spans multiple rows and there are no other grabbing controls in any of the spanned rows, the last row in the span will grab the extra space. If there is at least one other grabbing control in the span, the grabbing will be spread over the rows already marked as grabExcessVerticalSpace.

The default value is false.

See Also:
minimumHeight, heightHint


public int minimumWidth
minimumWidth specifies the minimum width in pixels. This value applies only if grabExcessHorizontalSpace is true. A value of SWT.DEFAULT means that the minimum width will be the result of Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean) where wHint is determined by GridData.widthHint. The default value is 0.

See Also:
Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean), widthHint


public int minimumHeight
minimumHeight specifies the minimum height in pixels. This value applies only if grabExcessVerticalSpace is true. A value of SWT.DEFAULT means that the minimum height will be the result of Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean) where hHint is determined by GridData.heightHint. The default value is 0.

See Also:
Control.computeSize(int, int, boolean), heightHint


public boolean exclude
exclude informs the layout to ignore this control when sizing and positioning controls. If this value is true, the size and position of the control will not be managed by the layout. If this value is false, the size and position of the control will be computed and assigned. The default value is false.



public static final int BEGINNING
Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment. Position the control at the top or left of the cell. Not recommended. Use SWT.BEGINNING, SWT.TOP or SWT.LEFT instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CENTER
Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment. Position the control in the vertical or horizontal center of the cell Not recommended. Use SWT.CENTER instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int END
Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment. Position the control at the bottom or right of the cell Not recommended. Use SWT.END, SWT.BOTTOM or SWT.RIGHT instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FILL
Value for horizontalAlignment or verticalAlignment. Resize the control to fill the cell horizontally or vertically. Not recommended. Use SWT.FILL instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING
Style bit for new GridData(int). Position the control at the top of the cell. Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, SWT.BEGINNING, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER
Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control in the vertical center of the cell. Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, SWT.CENTER, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_END
Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control at the bottom of the cell. Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, SWT.END, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VERTICAL_ALIGN_FILL
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell vertically. Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, SWT.FILL, boolean, boolean) instead

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING
Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control at the left of the cell. Not recommended. Use new GridData(SWT.BEGINNING, int, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER
Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control in the horizontal center of the cell. Not recommended. Use new GridData(SWT.CENTER, int, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_END
Style bit for new GridData(int) to position the control at the right of the cell. Not recommended. Use new GridData(SWT.END, int, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell horizontally. Not recommended. Use new GridData(SWT.FILL, int, boolean, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GRAB_HORIZONTAL
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fit the remaining horizontal space. Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, int, true, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int GRAB_VERTICAL
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fit the remaining vertical space. Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, int, boolean, true) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FILL_VERTICAL
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell vertically and to fit the remaining vertical space. FILL_VERTICAL = VERTICAL_ALIGN_FILL | GRAB_VERTICAL Not recommended. Use new GridData(int, SWT.FILL, boolean, true) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FILL_HORIZONTAL
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell horizontally and to fit the remaining horizontal space. FILL_HORIZONTAL = HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_FILL | GRAB_HORIZONTAL Not recommended. Use new GridData(SWT.FILL, int, true, boolean) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FILL_BOTH
Style bit for new GridData(int) to resize the control to fill the cell horizontally and vertically and to fit the remaining horizontal and vertical space. FILL_BOTH = FILL_VERTICAL | FILL_HORIZONTAL Not recommended. Use new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true) instead.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GridData()
Constructs a new instance of GridData using default values.


public GridData(int style)
Constructs a new instance based on the GridData style. This constructor is not recommended.

style - the GridData style


public GridData(int horizontalAlignment,
                int verticalAlignment,
                boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace,
                boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace)
Constructs a new instance of GridData according to the parameters.

horizontalAlignment - how control will be positioned horizontally within a cell, one of: SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.LEFT), SWT.CENTER, SWT.END (or SWT.RIGHT), or SWT.FILL
verticalAlignment - how control will be positioned vertically within a cell, one of: SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.TOP), SWT.CENTER, SWT.END (or SWT.BOTTOM), or SWT.FILL
grabExcessHorizontalSpace - whether cell will be made wide enough to fit the remaining horizontal space
grabExcessVerticalSpace - whether cell will be made high enough to fit the remaining vertical space


public GridData(int horizontalAlignment,
                int verticalAlignment,
                boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace,
                boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace,
                int horizontalSpan,
                int verticalSpan)
Constructs a new instance of GridData according to the parameters.

horizontalAlignment - how control will be positioned horizontally within a cell, one of: SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.LEFT), SWT.CENTER, SWT.END (or SWT.RIGHT), or SWT.FILL
verticalAlignment - how control will be positioned vertically within a cell, one of: SWT.BEGINNING (or SWT.TOP), SWT.CENTER, SWT.END (or SWT.BOTTOM), or SWT.FILL
grabExcessHorizontalSpace - whether cell will be made wide enough to fit the remaining horizontal space
grabExcessVerticalSpace - whether cell will be made high enough to fit the remaining vertical space
horizontalSpan - the number of column cells that the control will take up
verticalSpan - the number of row cells that the control will take up


public GridData(int width,
                int height)
Constructs a new instance of GridData according to the parameters. A value of SWT.DEFAULT indicates that no minimum width or no minimum height is specified.

width - a minimum width for the column
height - a minimum height for the row
Method Detail


String toString()
Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of the receiver.

toString in class Object
a string representation of the GridData object

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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