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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IDocumentPartitionerExtension2

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultPartitioner, FastPartitioner, RuleBasedPartitioner

public interface IDocumentPartitionerExtension2

Extension interface for IDocumentPartitioner.

Extends the original concept of a document partitioner to answer the position categories that are used to manage the partitioning information.

This extension also introduces the concept of open and delimited partitions. A delimited partition has a predefined textual token delimiting its start and end, while an open partition can fill any space between two delimited partitions.

An open partition of length zero can occur between two delimited partitions, thus having the same offset as the following delimited partition. The document start and end are considered to be delimiters of open partitions, i.e. there may be a zero-length partition between the document start and a delimited partition starting at offset 0.


Method Summary
  ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning (int offset, int length, boolean includeZeroLengthPartitions)
          Returns the partitioning of the given range of the connected document.
  String getContentType (int offset, boolean preferOpenPartitions)
          Returns the content type of the partition containing the given offset in the connected document.
  String[] getManagingPositionCategories ()
          Returns the position categories that this partitioners uses in order to manage the partitioning information of the documents.
  ITypedRegion getPartition (int offset, boolean preferOpenPartitions)
          Returns the partition containing the given offset of the connected document.

Method Detail


String[] getManagingPositionCategories()
Returns the position categories that this partitioners uses in order to manage the partitioning information of the documents. Returns null if no position category is used.

the position categories used to manage partitioning information or null


String getContentType(int offset,
                      boolean preferOpenPartitions)
Returns the content type of the partition containing the given offset in the connected document. There must be a document connected to this partitioner.

If preferOpenPartitions is true, precedence is given to an open partition ending at offset over a delimited partition starting at offset.

This method replaces IDocumentPartitioner.getContentType(int)and behaves like it when prepreferOpenPartitions is false, i.e. precedence is always given to the partition that does not end at offset.

offset - the offset in the connected document
preferOpenPartitions - true if precedence should be given to a open partition ending at offset over a delimited partition starting at offset
the content type of the offset's partition


ITypedRegion getPartition(int offset,
                          boolean preferOpenPartitions)
Returns the partition containing the given offset of the connected document. There must be a document connected to this partitioner.

If preferOpenPartitions is true, precedence is given to an open partition ending at offset over a delimited partition starting at offset.

This method replaces IDocumentPartitioner.getPartition(int)and behaves like it when is false , i.e. precedence is always given to the partition that does not end at offset.

offset - the offset for which to determine the partition
preferOpenPartitions - true if precedence should be given to a open partition ending at offset over a delimited partition starting at offset
the partition containing the offset


ITypedRegion[] computePartitioning(int offset,
                                   int length,
                                   boolean includeZeroLengthPartitions)
Returns the partitioning of the given range of the connected document. There must be a document connected to this partitioner.

If includeZeroLengthPartitions is true, a zero-length partition of an open partition type (usually the default partition) is included between two delimited partitions. If it is false, no zero-length partitions are included.

This method replaces IDocumentPartitioner.computePartitioning(int, int)and behaves like it when includeZeroLengthPartitions is false.

offset - the offset of the range of interest
length - the length of the range of interest
includeZeroLengthPartitions - true if zero-length partitions should be returned as part of the computed partitioning
the partitioning of the range

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire