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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ISWTObservableValue
org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt Provides classes that can be used to observe changes in SWT widgets. 

Uses of ISWTObservableValue in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt that return ISWTObservableValue
  ISWTObservableValue IWidgetValueProperty. observe ( Widget widget)
          Returns an ISWTObservableValue observing this value property on the given widget
  ISWTObservableValue WidgetValueProperty. observe ( Widget widget)
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeBackground ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the background color of the given control
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeBounds ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the bounds of the given control.
  ISWTObservableValue IWidgetValueProperty. observeDelayed (int delay, Widget widget)
          Returns an ISWTObservableValue observing this value property on the given widget, which delays notification of value changes until at least delay milliseconds have elapsed since that last change event, or until a FocusOut event is received from the widget (whichever happens first).
  ISWTObservableValue WidgetValueProperty. observeDelayed (int delay, Widget widget)
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeDelayedValue (int delay, ISWTObservableValue observable)
          Returns an observable which delays notification of value change events from observable until delay milliseconds have elapsed since the last change event, or until a FocusOut event is received from the underlying widget (whichever happens first).
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeEditable ( Control control)
          Returns an observable observing the editable attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeEnabled ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the enabled state of the given control
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeFocus ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the focus of the given control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeFont ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the font of the given control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeForeground ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the foreground color of the given control
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeImage ( Widget widget)
          Returns an observable observing the image attribute of the provided widget.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeLocation ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the location of the given control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeMax ( Control control)
          Returns an observable observing the maximum attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeMessage ( Widget widget)
          Returns an observable observing the message attribute of the provided widget. the supported types are: org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolTip
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeMin ( Control control)
          Returns an observable observing the minimum attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeSelection ( Control control)
          Returns an observable observing the selection attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeSingleSelectionIndex ( Control control)
          Returns an observable observing the single selection index attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeSize ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the size of the given control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeText ( Control control)
          Returns an observable observing the text attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeText ( Control control, int event)
          Returns an observable observing the text attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeText ( Control control, int[] events)
          Returns an observable observing the text attribute of the provided control.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeText ( Widget widget)
          Returns an observable observing the text attribute of the provided widget.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeTooltipText ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the tooltip text of the given control
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeTooltipText ( Widget widget)
          Returns an observable tracking the tooltip text of the given item.
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeVisible ( Control control)
          Returns an observable value tracking the visible state of the given control
protected   ISWTObservableValue WidgetValueProperty. wrapObservable ( IObservableValue observable, Widget widget)

Methods in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt with parameters of type ISWTObservableValue
static  ISWTObservableValue SWTObservables. observeDelayedValue (int delay, ISWTObservableValue observable)
          Returns an observable which delays notification of value change events from observable until delay milliseconds have elapsed since the last change event, or until a FocusOut event is received from the underlying widget (whichever happens first).

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

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