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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Class SubMenuManager

  extended by 

      extended by 
All Implemented Interfaces:
IContributionItem, IContributionManager, IMenuManager

public class SubMenuManager
extends SubContributionManager
implements IMenuManager

A SubMenuManager is used to define a set of contribution items within a parent manager. Once defined, the visibility of the entire set can be changed as a unit.

A client may ask for and make additions to a submenu. The visibility of these items is also controlled by the visibility of the SubMenuManager.

Constructor Summary
SubMenuManager ( IMenuManager mgr)
          Constructs a new manager.
Method Summary
 void addMenuListener ( IMenuListener listener)
          Adds a menu listener to this menu.
 void dispose ()
          The default implementation of this IContributionItem method does nothing.
 void disposeManager ()
          Disposes this sub contribution manager, removing all its items and cleaning up any other resources allocated by it.
 void fill ( Composite parent)
          Fills the given composite control with controls representing this contribution item.
 void fill ( CoolBar parent, int index)
          Fills the given cool bar with controls representing this contribution item.
 void fill ( Menu parent, int index)
          Fills the given menu with controls representing this contribution item.
 void fill ( ToolBar parent, int index)
          Fills the given tool bar with controls representing this contribution item.
  IContributionItem find ( String id)
          Finds the contribution item with the given id.
  IMenuManager findMenuUsingPath ( String path)
           The menu returned is wrapped within a SubMenuManager to monitor additions and removals.
  IContributionItem findUsingPath ( String path)
          Finds the contribution item at the given path.
  String getId ()
          Returns the identifier of this contribution item.
protected   IMenuManager getParentMenuManager ()
 boolean getRemoveAllWhenShown ()
          Returns whether all items should be removed when the menu is about to show, but before notifying menu listeners.
protected   IMenuManager getWrapper ( IMenuManager mgr)
          Returns the menu wrapper for a menu manager.
 boolean isDynamic ()
          Returns whether this contribution item is dynamic.
 boolean isEnabled ()
          Returns whether this menu should be enabled or not.
 boolean isGroupMarker ()
          Returns whether this contribution item is a group marker.
 boolean isSeparator ()
          Returns whether this contribution item is a separator.
 void removeAll ()
          Remove all contribution items.
 void removeMenuListener ( IMenuListener listener)
          Removes the given menu listener from this menu.
 void saveWidgetState ()
          Saves any state information of the control(s) owned by this contribution item.
 void setParent ( IContributionManager parent)
          Sets the parent manager of this item
 void setRemoveAllWhenShown (boolean removeAll)
          Sets whether all items should be removed when the menu is about to show, but before notifying menu listeners.
 void setVisible (boolean visible)
          Sets the visibility of the manager.
 void update ()
          Updates any SWT controls cached by this contribution item with any changes which have been made to this contribution item since the last update.
 void update (boolean force)
          Updates this manager's underlying widget(s) with any changes which have been made to it or its items.
 void update ( String id)
          Updates any SWT controls cached by this contribution item with changes for the the given property.
 void updateAll (boolean force)
          Incrementally builds the menu from the contribution items, and does so recursively for all submenus.
protected   SubMenuManager wrapMenu ( IMenuManager menu)
          Wraps a menu manager in a sub menu manager, and returns the new wrapper.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.jface.action. SubContributionManager
add, add, appendToGroup, appendToGroup, getItems, getOverrides, getParent, insertAfter, insertAfter, insertBefore, insertBefore, isDirty, isEmpty, isVisible, itemAdded, itemRemoved, items, markDirty, prependToGroup, prependToGroup, remove, remove, unwrap, wrap
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.action. IContributionManager
add, add, appendToGroup, appendToGroup, getItems, getOverrides, insertAfter, insertAfter, insertBefore, insertBefore, isDirty, isEmpty, markDirty, prependToGroup, prependToGroup, remove, remove
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.jface.action. IContributionItem
isDirty, isVisible

Constructor Detail


public SubMenuManager(
IMenuManager mgr)
Constructs a new manager.

mgr - the parent manager. All contributions made to the SubMenuManager are forwarded and appear in the parent manager.
Method Detail


public void addMenuListener(
IMenuListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Adds a menu listener to this menu. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.

Specified by:
addMenuListener in interface IMenuManager
listener - a menu listener


public void dispose()
The default implementation of this IContributionItem method does nothing. Subclasses may override.

Specified by:
dispose in interface IContributionItem


public void disposeManager()
Description copied from class: SubContributionManager
Disposes this sub contribution manager, removing all its items and cleaning up any other resources allocated by it. This must leave no trace of this sub contribution manager in the parent manager. Subclasses may extend.

disposeManager in class SubContributionManager


public void fill(
Composite parent)
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Fills the given composite control with controls representing this contribution item. Used by StatusLineManager.

Specified by:
fill in interface IContributionItem
parent - the parent control


public void fill(
CoolBar parent,
                 int index)
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Fills the given cool bar with controls representing this contribution item. Used by CoolBarManager.

Specified by:
fill in interface IContributionItem
parent - the parent cool bar
index - the index where the controls are inserted, or -1 to insert at the end


public void fill(
Menu parent,
                 int index)
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Fills the given menu with controls representing this contribution item. Used by MenuManager.

Specified by:
fill in interface IContributionItem
parent - the parent menu
index - the index where the controls are inserted, or -1 to insert at the end


public void fill(
ToolBar parent,
                 int index)
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Fills the given tool bar with controls representing this contribution item. Used by ToolBarManager.

Specified by:
fill in interface IContributionItem
parent - the parent tool bar
index - the index where the controls are inserted, or -1 to insert at the end


IContributionItem find(
String id)
Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
Finds the contribution item with the given id.

Specified by:
find in interface IContributionManager
find in class SubContributionManager
id - the contribution item id
the contribution item, or null if no item with the given id can be found


IMenuManager findMenuUsingPath(
String path)

The menu returned is wrapped within a SubMenuManager to monitor additions and removals. If the visibility of this menu is modified the visibility of the submenus is also modified.

Specified by:
findMenuUsingPath in interface IMenuManager
path - the path string
the menu contribution item, or null if there is no such contribution item or if the item does not have an associated menu manager


IContributionItem findUsingPath(
String path)
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Finds the contribution item at the given path. A path consists of contribution item ids separated by the separator character. The path separator character is '/'.

Specified by:
findUsingPath in interface IMenuManager
path - the path string
the contribution item, or null if there is no such contribution item


String getId()
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Returns the identifier of this contribution item. The id is used for retrieving an item from its manager.

Specified by:
getId in interface IContributionItem
the contribution item identifier, or null if none


protected final 
IMenuManager getParentMenuManager()
the parent menu manager that this sub-manager contributes to.


public boolean getRemoveAllWhenShown()
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Returns whether all items should be removed when the menu is about to show, but before notifying menu listeners. The default is false.

Specified by:
getRemoveAllWhenShown in interface IMenuManager
true if all items should be removed when shown, false if not


IMenuManager getWrapper(
IMenuManager mgr)
Returns the menu wrapper for a menu manager.

The sub menus within this menu are wrapped within a SubMenuManager to monitor additions and removals. If the visibility of this menu is modified the visibility of the sub menus is also modified.

mgr - the menu manager to be wrapped
the menu wrapper


public boolean isDynamic()
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Returns whether this contribution item is dynamic. A dynamic contribution item contributes items conditionally, dependent on some internal state.

Specified by:
isDynamic in interface IContributionItem
true if this item is dynamic, and false for normal items


public boolean isEnabled()
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Returns whether this menu should be enabled or not.

Specified by:
isEnabled in interface IContributionItem
Specified by:
isEnabled in interface IMenuManager
true if enabled, and false if disabled


public boolean isGroupMarker()
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Returns whether this contribution item is a group marker. This information is used when adding items to a group.

Specified by:
isGroupMarker in interface IContributionItem
true if this item is a group marker, and false for normal items
See Also:
GroupMarker, IContributionManager.appendToGroup(String, IContributionItem), IContributionManager.prependToGroup(String, IContributionItem)


public boolean isSeparator()
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Returns whether this contribution item is a separator. This information is used to enable hiding of unnecessary separators.

Specified by:
isSeparator in interface IContributionItem
true if this item is a separator, and false for normal items
See Also:


public void removeAll()
Remove all contribution items.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface IContributionManager
removeAll in class SubContributionManager


public void removeMenuListener(
IMenuListener listener)
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Removes the given menu listener from this menu. Has no effect if an identical listener is not registered.

Specified by:
removeMenuListener in interface IMenuManager
listener - the menu listener


public void saveWidgetState()
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Saves any state information of the control(s) owned by this contribution item. The contribution manager calls this method before disposing of the controls.

Specified by:
saveWidgetState in interface IContributionItem


public void setParent(
IContributionManager parent)
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Sets the parent manager of this item

Specified by:
setParent in interface IContributionItem
parent - the parent contribution manager


public void setRemoveAllWhenShown(boolean removeAll)
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Sets whether all items should be removed when the menu is about to show, but before notifying menu listeners.

Specified by:
setRemoveAllWhenShown in interface IMenuManager
removeAll - true if all items should be removed when shown, false if not


public void setVisible(boolean visible)
Description copied from class: SubContributionManager
Sets the visibility of the manager. If the visibility is true then each item within the manager appears within the parent manager. Otherwise, the items are not visible.

Specified by:
setVisible in interface IContributionItem
setVisible in class SubContributionManager
visible - the new visibility


public void update()
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Updates any SWT controls cached by this contribution item with any changes which have been made to this contribution item since the last update. Called by contribution manager update methods.

Specified by:
update in interface IContributionItem


public void update(boolean force)
Description copied from interface: IContributionManager
Updates this manager's underlying widget(s) with any changes which have been made to it or its items. Normally changes to a contribution manager merely mark it as dirty, without updating the underlying widgets. This brings the underlying widgets up to date with any changes.

Specified by:
update in interface IContributionManager
force - true means update even if not dirty, and false for normal incremental updating


public void update(
String id)
Description copied from interface: IContributionItem
Updates any SWT controls cached by this contribution item with changes for the the given property.

Specified by:
update in interface IContributionItem
id - the id of the changed property


public void updateAll(boolean force)
Description copied from interface: IMenuManager
Incrementally builds the menu from the contribution items, and does so recursively for all submenus.

Specified by:
updateAll in interface IMenuManager
force - true means update even if not dirty, and false for normal incremental updating


SubMenuManager wrapMenu(
IMenuManager menu)
Wraps a menu manager in a sub menu manager, and returns the new wrapper.

menu - the menu manager to wrap
the new wrapped menu manager

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire