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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Class HelpSystem

  extended by

public final class HelpSystem
extends Object

This class provides general access to help content contributed to the "" and "" extension points.

This class provides static methods only; it is not intended to be instantiated or subclassed.


Method Summary
static  IContext getContext ( String contextId)
          Computes and returns context information for the given context id for the platform's current locale.
static  IContext getContext ( String contextId, String locale)
          Computes and returns context information for the given context id and locale.
static  InputStream getHelpContent ( String href)
          Returns an open input stream on the contents of the specified help resource in the platform's current locale.
static  InputStream getHelpContent ( String href, String locale)
          Returns an open input stream on the contents of the specified help resource for the speficied locale.
static  IIndex getIndex ()
          Returns the keyword index available in the help system.
static  IToc[] getTocs ()
          Returns the list of all integrated tables of contents available.
static boolean isShared ()
          Returns whether or not the help system, in its current mode of operation, can be shared by multiple (potentially remote) users.
static void setShared (boolean shared)
          Sets whether or not the help system, in its current mode of operation, can be shared by multiple (potentially remote) users.
Methods inherited from class java.lang. Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static 
IContext getContext(
String contextId)
Computes and returns context information for the given context id for the platform's current locale.

contextId - the context id, e.g. ""
the context, or null if none


public static 
IContext getContext(
String contextId,
String locale)
Computes and returns context information for the given context id and locale.

contextId - the context id, e.g. ""
locale - the locale being requested, e.g. "en_US"
the context, or null if none


public static 
IToc[] getTocs()
Returns the list of all integrated tables of contents available. Each entry corresponds of a different help "book".

an array of TOC's


public static 
IIndex getIndex()
Returns the keyword index available in the help system.

the keyword index


public static 
InputStream getHelpContent(
String href)
Returns an open input stream on the contents of the specified help resource in the platform's current locale. The client is responsible for closing the stream when finished.

href - the URL (as a string) of the help resource

Valid href are as described in IHelpResource.getHref

an input stream containing the contents of the help resource, or null if the help resource could not be found and opened


public static 
InputStream getHelpContent(
String href,
String locale)
Returns an open input stream on the contents of the specified help resource for the speficied locale. The client is responsible for closing the stream when finished.

href - the URL (as a string) of the help resource

Valid href are as described in IHelpResource.getHref

locale - the locale code, e.g. en_US
an input stream containing the contents of the help resource, or null if the help resource could not be found and opened


public static boolean isShared()
Returns whether or not the help system, in its current mode of operation, can be shared by multiple (potentially remote) users. This is a hint to the help system implementation that it should not perform operations that are specific to the help system's local environment.

For example, when true, the default dynamic content producer implementation will not perform any filtering based on local system properties such as operating system or activities.

If you are providing your own help implementation that is shared, you must notify the platform on startup by calling setShared(true).

whether or not the help system can be shared by multiple users


public static void setShared(boolean shared)
Sets whether or not the help system, in its current mode of operation, can be shared by multiple (potentially remote) users. This is a hint to the help system implementation that it should not perform operations that are specific to the help system's local environment.

By default the help system is flagged as not shared. If you are providing your own help implementation that is shared, you must call this on startup with the parameter true.

shared - whether or not the help system can be shared by multiple users

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire