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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5
Interface IContext

All Known Subinterfaces:
IContext2, IContext3

public interface IContext

A context registered for context-sensitive help.

This interface models the context-sensitive help that can be associated with SWT menus, menu items, and controls, and with JFace actions. A help context provides the text description of the object with which it is associated with, as well as topic links that contain more related information. This information would be displayed to the user when context sensitive help (F1) is requested.

In the current implementation of the Help system, valid contexts can be contributed through the contexts element of the "" extension point. The IHelp.findContext(String) method is used at runtime to create or fetch IContext objects using there fully qualified contextIds. If there is a need to override this behavior, then this IContext interface could be implemented by a client and registered with the SWT control or JFace action.

Method Summary
  IHelpResource[] getRelatedTopics ()
          Returns a list of related topics for this help context.
  String getText ()
          Returns the text description for this context.

Method Detail


IHelpResource[] getRelatedTopics()
Returns a list of related topics for this help context.

a list of related help topics or null if no related topics have been defined for this context.


String getText()
Returns the text description for this context.

the text description

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire