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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Interface IWorkspaceDescription

public interface IWorkspaceDescription

A workspace description represents the workspace preferences. It can be used to query the current preferences and set new ones. The workspace preference values are stored in the preference store and are also accessible via the preference mechanism. Constants for the preference keys are found on the ResourcesPlugin class.

See Also:
IWorkspace.getDescription(), IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), IWorkspace.newProjectDescription(String)
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Method Summary
  String[] getBuildOrder ()
          Returns the order in which projects in the workspace should be built.
 long getFileStateLongevity ()
          Returns the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, a file state should be kept in the local history.
 int getMaxBuildIterations ()
          Returns the maximum number of times that the workspace should rebuild when builders affect projects that have already been built.
 int getMaxFileStates ()
          Returns the maximum number of states per file that can be stored in the local history.
 long getMaxFileStateSize ()
          Returns the maximum permitted size of a file, in bytes, to be stored in the local history.
 long getSnapshotInterval ()
          Returns the interval between automatic workspace snapshots.
 boolean isAutoBuilding ()
          Returns whether this workspace performs autobuilds.
 void setAutoBuilding (boolean value)
          Records whether this workspace performs autobuilds.
 void setBuildOrder ( String[] value)
          Sets the order in which projects in the workspace should be built.
 void setFileStateLongevity (long time)
          Sets the maximum time, in milliseconds, a file state should be kept in the local history.
 void setMaxBuildIterations (int number)
          Sets the maximum number of times that the workspace should rebuild when builders affect projects that have already been built.
 void setMaxFileStates (int number)
          Sets the maximum number of states per file that can be stored in the local history.
 void setMaxFileStateSize (long size)
          Sets the maximum permitted size of a file, in bytes, to be stored in the local history.
 void setSnapshotInterval (long delay)
          Sets the interval between automatic workspace snapshots.

Method Detail


String[] getBuildOrder()
Returns the order in which projects in the workspace should be built. The returned value is null if the workspace's default build order is being used.

the names of projects in the order they will be built, or null if the default build order should be used
See Also:
setBuildOrder(String[]), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_BUILD_ORDER


long getFileStateLongevity()
Returns the maximum length of time, in milliseconds, a file state should be kept in the local history.

the maximum time a file state should be kept in the local history represented in milliseconds
See Also:
setFileStateLongevity(long), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_FILE_STATE_LONGEVITY


int getMaxBuildIterations()
Returns the maximum number of times that the workspace should rebuild when builders affect projects that have already been built.

the maximum number of times that the workspace should rebuild when builders affect projects that have already been built.
See Also:
setMaxBuildIterations(int), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_MAX_BUILD_ITERATIONS


int getMaxFileStates()
Returns the maximum number of states per file that can be stored in the local history.

the maximum number of states per file that can be stored in the local history
See Also:
setMaxFileStates(int), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_MAX_FILE_STATES


long getMaxFileStateSize()
Returns the maximum permitted size of a file, in bytes, to be stored in the local history.

the maximum permitted size of a file to be stored in the local history
See Also:
setMaxFileStateSize(long), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_MAX_FILE_STATE_SIZE


long getSnapshotInterval()
Returns the interval between automatic workspace snapshots.

the amount of time in milliseconds between automatic workspace snapshots
See Also:
setSnapshotInterval(long), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL


boolean isAutoBuilding()
Returns whether this workspace performs autobuilds.

true if autobuilding is on, otherwise false
See Also:
setAutoBuilding(boolean), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_AUTO_BUILDING


void setAutoBuilding(boolean value)
Records whether this workspace performs autobuilds.

When autobuild is on, any changes made to a project and its resources automatically triggers an incremental build of the workspace.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

value - true to turn on autobuilding, and false to turn it off
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), isAutoBuilding(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_AUTO_BUILDING


void setBuildOrder(
String[] value)
Sets the order in which projects in the workspace should be built. Projects not named in this list are built in a default order defined by the workspace. Set this value to null to use the default ordering for all projects. Projects not named in the list are built in unspecified order after all ordered projects.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

value - the names of projects in the order in which they are built, or null to use the workspace's default order for all projects
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), getBuildOrder(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_BUILD_ORDER


void setFileStateLongevity(long time)
Sets the maximum time, in milliseconds, a file state should be kept in the local history.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

time - the maximum number of milliseconds a file state should be kept in the local history
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), getFileStateLongevity(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_FILE_STATE_LONGEVITY


void setMaxBuildIterations(int number)
Sets the maximum number of times that the workspace should rebuild when builders affect projects that have already been built.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

number - the maximum number of times that the workspace should rebuild when builders affect projects that have already been built.
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), getMaxBuildIterations(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_MAX_BUILD_ITERATIONS


void setMaxFileStates(int number)
Sets the maximum number of states per file that can be stored in the local history. If the maximum number is reached, older states are removed in favor of new ones.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

number - the maximum number of states per file that can be stored in the local history
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), getMaxFileStates(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_MAX_FILE_STATES


void setMaxFileStateSize(long size)
Sets the maximum permitted size of a file, in bytes, to be stored in the local history.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

size - the maximum permitted size of a file to be stored in the local history
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), getMaxFileStateSize(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_MAX_FILE_STATE_SIZE


void setSnapshotInterval(long delay)
Sets the interval between automatic workspace snapshots. The new interval will only take effect after the next snapshot.

Users must call IWorkspace.setDescription before changes made to this description take effect.

delay - the amount of time in milliseconds between automatic workspace snapshots
See Also:
IWorkspace.setDescription(IWorkspaceDescription), getSnapshotInterval(), ResourcesPlugin.PREF_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL

Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

Copyright (c) Eclipse contributors and others 2000, 2008. All rights reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire