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Eclipse Java Development User Guide
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Run Menu Actions

The Run Menu, found on the main menu of the Eclipse workbench contains all of the actions required run, debug, step through code and work with breakpoints. Different parts of the
menu are visible at different times, as each perspective can be customized to show only specific capabilities.

The Run Menu commands.

Run Menu Commands





Add Java Exception Breakpoint Add Java Exception Breakpoint Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create  
Add Class Load Breakpoint Add Class Load Breakpoint Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to add a class load breakpoint to  
All Instances All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Ctrl + Shift + N
All References All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM)  

Debug As

Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching.

  Debug History Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode  
Debug Last Launched

Debug Last Launched / Debug

Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings).




Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating the selected expression in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there.

Ctrl + Shift + D



Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result.

Ctrl + E

  Force Return Forces the current method to return with the specified value Alt + Shift + F


Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread.

Ctrl + Shift + I

Open Debug Dialog

Open Debug Dialog...

This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations.

Open Run Dialog

Open Run Dialog...

Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations.

Remove All Breakpoints Remove All Breakpoints Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace  


Resumes a suspended thread.


Run As

Presents a sub menu of registered run launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching.


Run History

Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in run mode

Run Last Launched

Run Last Launched / Run

Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in run mode or quickly run the selected resource, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings).

Ctrl + F11

Run To Line Run To Line Executes the program to the currently selected line in the editor Ctrl + R
Step Into

Step Into

Steps into the current statement.

  Step Into Selection Steps into the selected statement in the editor Ctrl + F5
Step Over

Step Over

Steps over the highlighted statement. Execution will continue at the next line either in the same method or (if you are at the end of a method) it will continue in the method from which the current method was called.

The cursor jumps to the declaration of the method and selects this line.

Step Return

Step Return

Steps out of the current method. This option stops execution after exiting the current method.



Suspends the selected thread of a target so that you can browse or modify code, inspect data, step, and so on.



Terminates the selected debug target.

Ctrl + F2
Toggle Breakpoint Toggle Breakpoint Toggles the appropriate type of breakpoint based on what is currently selected Ctrl + Shift + B
Toggle Breakpoint Toggle Line Breakpoint Toggles a line breakpoint on the current executable line of code  
Toggle Breakpoint Toggle Method Breakpoint Toggles a method breakpoint on the currently selected method declaration  
Toggle Watchpoint Toggle Watchpoint Toggles a watchpoint on the currently selected field  
Use Step Filters Use Step Filters Toggles step filters on/off. When on, all step functions apply step filters. Shift + F5


Used to create a watch item. A watch item is an expression in the Expressions view whose value is updated as you debug.


Related concepts

Java development tools (JDT)
Local Debugging
Remote Debugging

Related tasks

Running and Debugging
Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration
Adding Line breakpoints
Setting method breakpoints
Catching exceptions

Related Reference

Debug Preferences
Run and Debug toolbar actions

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire